You really did't read what I said back at the chatroom, did't you?
1) Description - Way too lacking and inappropriate. Please include a proper description of your map instead of written "map objective is to bla bla bla" because it was dull, unprofessional and not helpful. It would only discourage user from download it.
The map does not contain quest log for much indepth detail as well.
2) Terrain - Poorly develop. This map isn't a TD, Maze or Are You A Retard genre that allowed an exception in poor terrain. A good hero arena map suppose to have a proper terrain.
The entire arena layout look like it was a maze with tree as the wall and troll blocking each path.
3) Scripting/Triggering - Poorly develop, it was defective and contain memory leak. One of a fine example of trigger that are not coded properly would be this.
Untitled Trigger 007 Copy 7


Player - Player 1 (Red) leaves the game


((Triggering unit) is A Hero) Equal to True


Unit - Remove (Triggering unit) from the game
You should have remove all unit own by player 1 instead of triggering unit. There is no triggering unit in this action.
4) Credit - Does not contain proper crediting for custom resources you use in this map such as spell (Rules violation).
5) Hotkey - Poorly develop, it use standard blizzard hotkey and bracket hotkey. It should be either 1 of it, not mix.
Infact, some hotkey doesn't show up or doesn't work. Some even clash with one another due to same hotkey such as Banish and Soul Burn.
6) Replayability - Extremely low, it does not contain any item and the balance was way off due to certain spell such as Rain of Chaos. The hero selection system was poorly done as well.
1/5 (Unacceptable)
Please read more tutorial about mapping and rules submission before you upload any map to map section in the future.