Furion Skin Request

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Level 8
Sep 30, 2012
Since i want to use both druids in my custom map, i wanted that they look a bit more different.

I like the Malfurion (without stag) model, and i will also use the Malfurion with Stag model.

So i would like to have Furion a bit different skinned.. I suggest this, since i guess others might enjoy seeing him, like that here too: http://www.blizzplanet.com/wp-conte...rthstone-malfurion-stormrage-druid-banner.jpg (just like in hearthstone!)

So pink flesh (instead of purple) and blue facepaint (instead of white) and green hair, and brown antlers. The rest is perfect as it is! I dig the leaf cloak!

Would appreciate it! Cheers!
Level 8
Sep 30, 2012
don't have enough space for a 706kb model... but that's truly a kick ass model.
But could u/somone make a skin out of it? for furion?

and i am also using the druid of the talon, so a skin for him won't solve anything for me..



So yeah just import the skin from the http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/archdruid-49781/?prev=search=druid&d=list&r=20
i mean the archdruid.blp and change the path to units\NightElf\Furion\Furion.blp so they will REPLACE Furions Skin.

or do that: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...-282/how-make-one-model-use-many-skins-11119/

Credits go to Dmitry Rommel of course for making such a smooth skin!
Wow such a low forhead :p
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