• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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I made a Frost Wyrm Shield previously, and it got approved at first upload. The mod liked it and his comment encouraged me to make a Frost Wyrm based weapon. This file contains 2 Frost Wyrm Swords, left- and right-handed. They use only ingame textures, and fit mostly into undead, ghost and partly elemental units/heroes. They got a particle-emitter-2-enchants. I started working on Frost Wyrm Sholder-pads and Frost Wyrm Helmet, my aim is to make a full Frost Wyrm Gear Set (including weapons).

By downloading this ressource you receive 2 models: the actual model is the left-handed version of the sword. The portrait file isn't an actual portrait. It's the right-handed version of this blade.
Hope you like this one of them! Feel free to use it and ENJOY! :wink:

EDIT 1: made the emitter a bit smaller & slower.
EDIT 2: the emitter has been greatly changed and doesn't cover now the entire model as it did before.
EDIT 3: the texture of the emitter has been changed. The entire emitter was remade from 0. Now the frost enchant applies way better than before. The older version were lacking in having a properly made emitter, this has been changed now! Now i did all the changes i had been advised to do.
EDIT 4: made the wings a bit shorter, edited the frost emitter and also merged some dublicated geosets together, to reduce filesize. Have fun with it! :wink:

Frost Wyrm, Frost Wyrm Gear, weapon, blade, sword, enchant, undead, arctic, dragon, dragon sword, frost sword, undead weapon, icy weapon

FrostWyrmSwordLeft (Model)

FrostWyrmSwordLeft (Model)

14:14, 26th Mar 2011 anarchianbedlam: holy shit. particles.... PARTICLES EVERYWHERE! EDIT: have you seen this ingame? the particles are just enveloping the entire thing. EDIT: Fuck it, this is the third time you've updated your model after...




14:14, 26th Mar 2011
anarchianbedlam: holy shit. particles.... PARTICLES EVERYWHERE!

EDIT: have you seen this ingame? the particles are just enveloping the entire thing.

EDIT: Fuck it, this is the third time you've updated your model after being asked to fix it. and it still looks terrible. Looks like you struck out.

EDIT: The sword is almost as wide as it is long, that makes it look cumbersome and awkward to hold. You can also cut down on the polycount by more than half

11:23, 18th Apr 2013
Misha: Okay.. the models are lill awkward, but function fine and all.. Approved.
Still a little weird, but it's way better than it was at first. Work on those particles a bit more, so that they're focused around the entire blade, and not spread too far outward away from the blade.

what? :eekani: You mean, the emitters are going off the blade? :vw_wtf: Strange, i tested it before updating it.....

Looks nice, great job! 5/5
ty :ogre_hurrhurr: