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Frostbite(Qiraji,Silithid race)v1.03

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Silithid race
This idea i started in march 2006...but stop it, and started again in april 2011.
Map in which i realise the race of Qiraji(Silithus). it race include the different insects(8 units), 11 buildings, 2 Hero(str+agi).
Based on standart Blizz map: (8)Battlegrounds. no changes in landscape o:

Thx to this users of hiveworkshop and xgm:
for icons:
Anachron, bigapple90, Tails96, Pyramidhe@d, -Berz-, KelThuzad, PeeKay, ike_ike, Wyvernoid, 4eNNightmare, Dentothor, Static, NFWar, Mr.Goblin, lelyanra, Elainiel, Palaslayer, Zerox, viiva
for models&effects:
shamanyouranus, JetFangInferno, Pyramidhe@d, alfredx_sotn, SuPa-, Fingolfin, tee.dubs, Tiodor, Tarrasque, Ham Ham, epsilon, takakenji, Wulfrein, Zerox...

Features of Silithid:
This race not have any workers...all work is performed by the hive(start building)
Gold gather. 2 steps: First you must use Spell "Tentacle gold mine" as nearby gold mine. lasts 15 seconds it will bring gold(10 gold per 5 seconds and 1 gold per 1 second). From that time the Hive will be the ability to increase gold gathering. It costs only mana. Cooldown of ability and manacost increase with every level. Also Hive get the "Mine devastate" ability - it increases gold gathering by 2-times on some time.
Also you have altered way to gold gathering, its root-building. That pump gold from nearby untentacled gold mine.(1 gold per 1 second)
Lumber gather. Build the Devourer. While build ends yse Devourer's "Start gathering" ability. It gives 35 lumber per 15 seconds.
Devourer can burrow, is able to eat enemies. Also devourer can learn some researchs: attack and armor reseachs of silithid units, and research, increasing ability of devourer to eat enemies.

- Couveuse building: it is main building for train any units.
The process of training totally different unlike standart races: First creates the egg, in which the developing unit, after that units leaaves from this egg.

- Swamp of transmutations: this main unit-researching buildings for player. This researchs able to train next tech-tree units.

- Devourer: lumber harvesting building.

- Depth reserve: this small pod containing large amounts of energy that needs to repair buildings and heal units.

- Swarm Colony: fortification, which causes locusts for the protection.

- other buildings there was nothing peculiar.

Units in couveuse:
First Tech-tree units:
Crawler(very weak melee unit, no features), Spat(weak range unit, have a poison and triplets ability), Roach swarm(dodge ability), Carrier(this unit can build new Hive)
Second Tech-tree units:
Biliary bug(like goblin sappers), Hound(fast and agressive melee unit, have knock ability)
Third Tech-tree unit:
Horror(flying destructive unit, can eat biliary bugs, to after then throw eaten unit and deal more damage)

Silithid, Silithus, Qiraji, Insect, race, Hive, melee, altered

Frostbite(Qiraji,Silithid race)v1.03 (Map)

20:41, 8th Sep 2011 Vengeancekael: Status: Rejected Leaks are not removed: Leaks tutorial The 2 initialization triggers can be merged. Lacking description: Template Contact Me