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Forsaken Bat Rider archer

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Level 36
Sep 17, 2010
Hello hivers, i would like to make a request, i'm using the dark elf bat rider from the Hearth of Storms model pack from here: Projects of old, gather ye' resources... [Mod Compendium] , as a forsaken flying unit for an altered melee map, i made a little modifications so it resembles more a forsaken than a DE: Forsaken Bat Rider archer | HIVE , but i don't like that the rider uses an spear, like the orc wind rider, feels really off, so i was wondering if it's possible to change it for a bow, or just replace the rider completely (maybe with the dark ranger model as a rider), something similar to one of these models:
Archer DragonHawk
Dragonhawk Rider, Nether Dragon, Wind Rider, Wyvern, and Derivatives
I made this request open because i thought it would be useful not just for me, but for anyone who works on a forsaken race/campaign/etc.

Thanks in advance.
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Level 2
May 4, 2018
Bump for my own interests. I would like a living Human batrider, if anyone wanted to put in the work. :D
Level 36
Sep 17, 2010
Consider it as the start of the list I promised to fulfill for you like... 2 1/2 years ago.


Hooo boy! @stein123 I don't know what you did to get his debt, but good on ya! ; )

"Forsaken Bat Riders" still don't sit well with me, but I'll admit, the "Gargoyle/Wyvern" combo is unique.

X'D well, an 8'4" troll riding a mini bat isn't something weird at all isn't? :v :v :v
Level 2
May 4, 2018
Okay, so I downloaded it in hopes of checking it out, but I appear to be missing a texture for it or something? Model won't load in game, and in model viewer it gives me an error, and loads texture-less.

Edit: Scratch that, I checked the OP and found it. And with some mucking about I got her to load up with the Beta Ranger texture for a living equivalent. :D
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