Hi there! I'm already test your map and...
I like it, but not all of it.
Likes :
-Spells (not from Warcraft 3 original spells)
Dislikes :
-Heroes/classes only 3
-Spells only 6 per heroes/classes, if one team (or 2 players) pick Magician, it is boring most of it has the same skills. (And there is 2 team)
Typos :
-Silenicg Bolt? (Magician)
Suggestion :
-More heroes/classes (I know you know it)
-More spells (I know you know it)
-Set the camera to explore only the selected places
-Gives the spells more custom-feeling
-Removes that Rolling Stone Bridge, it's just wasting time and gives more size (KB)
-Add cast time so players cast skills with estimation, gives fun-play
-Add items that can powered the skills or increase movement speed, cast time, etc
-Add things/something to give heroes/classes can only learn certain spells, ex : Learn the Phoenix Way (gives the Magician
permission to can only learn fire-type spells)
-Change the armor to magic defense
-Rogue (Agility attribute) : Increase movement speed, cast time, and others based on your ideas for each xx points (agility)
-Warrior (Strength attribute) : Add one more options -> "Increase magic defense for each xx points (Strength)"
-Magician (Intelligence) : No ideas

Questions :
-Why add trees if the trees are impenetrable?
-Why only 6 slots? Gives 8 or 10 slots, don't half-hearted
Enough, this map has very good potential, I like the ideas.

Hope next version will be better!