Formation Spacing

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Level 1
Sep 21, 2015
Would someone be able to tell me if there is there any way to affect the unit spacing to make formations tighter please? I have googled for hours and found nothing.

FTI, the reason I need to do this is because I have shrunken all the units in the game to give the illusion of a bigger world-space and a less zoomed in camera.

I've put a lot of time into this, reducing all the collision sizes, weapon range, movement speed, projectile launch positions etc... to make it look right, and the only thing that looks wrong now is the massive gaps between units in formation.

Any help would be much appreciated!
Level 1
Sep 21, 2015
Well... I feel daft.

I just tried setting their collision size to 1 and it does it perfectly. I don't know why I never tried that. I set them as low as 16 and figured that half the collision size should be twice as tight a formation and didn't see any difference and assumed that wasn't the answer. Turns out I just didn't push it far enough! Thanks for the suggestion, it worked perfectly!
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