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Forked Lightning = Missile Spell

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Level 8
Sep 23, 2007
I am trying to get Forked Lightning to launch missiles at its targets. What I am trying to do is recreate sort of a Shadowbolt Volley spell and I figured Forked Lightning would be best for that, but it doesn't seem to allow me to make it launch missiles at all its targets rather than instantly damage them.
Level 8
Sep 23, 2007
You should trigger this in any case. You can use dummies to storm bolt your enemies (to show the missile effect) or if you are less bored, create your own dummy missiles.

I apologize is this is an inconvenient question, but could you give me an example on how to make a "dummy missile" or use "dummies to storm bolt my enemies"? I am quite new to these sorts of things.
Level 4
Aug 8, 2011
A dummy is a unit that (generally) has no model, and the locust ability. This means that the unit is entirely invisible to all players and cannot be selected either. Because of this combination, creating dummy units with triggers and making them cast spells allows for creating spells that would be otherwise impossible to create, while giving the illusion that the original caster is the only one involved.

So "creating a dummy unit to storm bolt your enemies" is referring to something like this:

When the unit casts your shadowbolt spell, detect all enemies that are in the range of it.
For each unit within range, create a dummy unit and have that dummy unit fire a single missile at that enemy. Don't forget to remove the dummy unit after it's done casting the spell, either.
Level 8
Sep 23, 2007
A dummy is a unit that (generally) has no model, and the locust ability. This means that the unit is entirely invisible to all players and cannot be selected either. Because of this combination, creating dummy units with triggers and making them cast spells allows for creating spells that would be otherwise impossible to create, while giving the illusion that the original caster is the only one involved.

So "creating a dummy unit to storm bolt your enemies" is referring to something like this:

When the unit casts your shadowbolt spell, detect all enemies that are in the range of it.
For each unit within range, create a dummy unit and have that dummy unit fire a single missile at that enemy. Don't forget to remove the dummy unit after it's done casting the spell, either.

Thank you
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