Map is too similar to all the other footman frenzy maps already uploaded here.
There are around 79 maps in the "Footmen Wars / Footmen Frenzy" section.
And I haven't seen any map there that has anything in common with the Footmen Frenzy v.8.x besides the basic Footmen Frenzy idea.
I used to play every Footmen Frenzy map i came across. There were over 200 different maps in my Footy map folder. I can't recall any map that has been the same as the other.
They all had the same maplayout, which had to be, for the map could have been called footy.
But when it came to the map itself, every map was so different from the other maps, so that it was always fun to test a new map.
But this was at a time, when there were many Footmen Frenzy maps hosted. There were around 10 different popular versions, but the official series and the WFE-version were the most popular.
WFE-Version was played, because it was easy to learn. You didn't have to use your micro. Everything you needed was a good farming hero, since they cleaned out an entire base without much effort and couldn't even be stopped.
Everyone used scrolls, waited for a late-go, bought recipies and made his hero nearly invincible, etc. etc.
On the other hand, there was the official version from NoHunters. It was played in a more competitive way. THere were tourneys, inhouses, etc.
The official Forum has been full of discussions. It took some time before something was added to the map, since it shouldn't have been imbalanced.
Why add the newest official map?
1) I haven't come across a Footy map, that has been balanced as the official series.
There has only been a slight balance because everything has been imbalanced.
2) The official map is supported by a community, that intends to balance the map and is open for new suggestions
3) The official series can be played in a serious competitive and a relaxing fun way.
4) There's been much effort done, to get this map to its current state.
When looking at the other maps: They took the leaked unprotected 5.3 version, added some heroes, copied some triggers and tried to get a slight balance. These maps weren't intended to be balanced. They're just an alternative to the official series of Footmen Frenzy.
5) This map still gets updated. Haven't seen updates for the other maps around.
The only Footmen Frenzy maps, that are still popular in the are "Footy 5.4" and this official version.
I haven't seen any other map being hosted, since it's not worth buying a hostbot to host a map, that won't fill up.
Because were uploaded first and we couldn't know which is the original.
What proof do you want, for we can convince you, that this is the real successor version?
Tommy Bothan posted, sums up what happened.