Eusira said:
Randy, CnP is bad... VERY BAD
You could set the height and turn off collision for a short time but when it turns back on, there is a nasty effect
For me i uses different ways, i dont copy those triggers in the spell sections, cause its all Screwed up and noobs, you see im workin on an Open rpg map right now,, and i can enable Fly for all UNITS and Disable it, its work PERPECT for me
just a little trigger its work GOOD, less peoples know this triggers , Ya all peoples got all different ways, CAUSE IN SPELL SECTION, THE TRIGGERS ONLY WORK FOR ONE UNIQUE UNIT ONLY, my trigger work for ALL UNITS in my map, ehehe when its turn back on, there is a nasty effect
LOL cause your trigger was wrong and its 100& wrong thats why... well spell section is for downloadable and good for noob to leanrs spell triggers, you're right, CnP is bad ,,but with noob its doesn't :roll: ,,,,