Feral Spirit Question

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Level 3
Feb 9, 2008
i got a spell which a dummy uses feral spirit but the duration of the summoned unit is not what i intended to be no matter what i try (the summoned unit disappears before my intended duration it also mean it disappears before the timer runs-out)...these are my setting in the object editor:

the summoned unit only last 15-17 seconds tops (even if i set the durations to 0) so i though maybe its because its summoned by a dummy unit so i tested a normal non-triggered feral spirit to be used by the main caster but the summoned wolf only last for 40-45 seconds tops

What seems to be the problems with the duration?
What do i do to fix these?
Does the "Time-real second per game day" settings in the game constant settings have something to do with it?

Advance thanks
Last edited:
Level 3
Feb 9, 2008
Can you give us the test map so we can manage the problem easier ?

im sorry...im affraid no...the spell is already in the map that im working with and i dont want to post it until its finished i can give the trigger though since you made it (if you remember)

  • DP Setup
    • Events
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Set DP_Ability = Test (Archimonde)
      • Set DP_DummyAbility[1] = Chance 1
      • Set DP_DummyAbility[2] = Chance 2
      • Set DP_DummyAbility[3] = Chance 3
      • Set DP_DummyAbility[4] = Chance 4
DP Cast
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to DP_Ability
    • Actions
      • Set SummoningUnit = (Triggering unit)
      • Set SummoningPoint = (Target point of ability being cast)
      • Set SummonChances = (Random integer number between 1 and 4)
      • Unit - Create 1 Summoning Dummy for (Owner of SummoningUnit) at SummoningPoint facing Default building facing degrees
      • Set SummoningUnit2 = (Last created unit)
      • Unit - Add DP_DummyAbility[SummonChances] to SummoningUnit2
      • Unit - Set level of DP_DummyAbility[SummonChances] for SummoningUnit2 to (Level of DP_Ability for SummoningUnit)
      • Unit - Order SummoningUnit2 to Orc Far Seer - Feral Spirit
      • Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to SummoningUnit2
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_SummoningPoint)

in the test map its working just fine but in my map for some reason the problem occurs.

the main cause of the problem that ive detected is that the when dummy unit
dies/expires the duration of the summoned unit is cut in half for some reason
so tried turning this part:
  • Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to SummoningUnit2
to this:
  • Unit - Add a 60.00 second Generic expiration timer to SummoningUnit2
and the summoned units duration seems fine as if its tied to the duration of the dummy

Since you have duration set to 60, the problem isn't the spell. Have you done any triggers that could cause this?

no i dont think i have a trigger that supposed to interfere with any summoned units...cause my other spells that spawns summoned units work just fine (last time i check)..
i got a spell which a dummy uses feral spirit but the duration of the summoned unit is not what i intended to be no matter what i try (the summoned unit disappears before my intended duration it also mean it disappears before the timer runs-out)...these are my setting in the object editor:

the summoned unit only last 15-17 seconds tops (even if i set the durations to 0) so i though maybe its because its summoned by a dummy unit so i tested a normal non-triggered feral spirit to be used by the main caster but the summoned wolf only last for 40-45 seconds tops

What seems to be the problems with the duration?
What do i do to fix these?
Does the "Time-real second per game day" settings in the game constant settings have something to do with it?

Advance thanks
Well for as much as I can tell, the cast range might cause a bug: it spawns the wolves 800 range forwards from his caster's casting location towards the caster angle of facing while he cast it, and then again, summon wolf will not summon them if there is a wall in that area, means that this is one bug you should worry about, other than that, I didn't notice anything extra in that picture which isn't right
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