(Before you help me, contact me... no need to give me a resource I don't plan to use)
I've been a big fan of wc3sear.ch for many years, always fiddling with world editer making maps to play privately with friends.
But the day has come that I have decided to take on a project, looking for people who are intrested in joing or aiding the development of a Fallout RPG, I am still planning things out, looking threw the tools and spells provided by the good people here. Now some of the weapon models are superb, and the 4 advanced marines are great, but I need weapon icons badly, along with a select few items. http://www.nma-fallout.com/ is a great fallout resource. Contact me if you wish to help me in any way, even if it is just some advice, tips, or just to say "You ROCK".
Email me at [email protected] or reply to this thread, I will atempt to visit the site regulaurly, need feedback and support, been a map editer for many years starting with SC and have NEVER finished a map due to the wieght of working on one single handedly.
Gameplay goals are; Save/Load, Interactable NPCs (talk, barter, trade, steal or kill), Karma (positive or negative choices), SPECIAL (Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, Luck), Specific Targeting (eyes, head, l/r arm, l/r leg, groin, etc), Companions (AI (like Suicidal, Damage, Balanced, Disable, Stealth, etc), Skills (most Fallout 2 Skills, Traits and Perks), and an Attack System.
If you are unfamiliar with the setting of Fallout in general, its a post apocolyptic world, in my map I plan to have the players be able to customize there hero completely, from apearance, combat style (no melee for main PC), karma (good, bad, or neutral), and even a vehicle. I plan to make each hero have a backpack, along with a seperate Equipment Hero (which would be the items you equip).
I have just started this map a few days ago, imported the majority of the public models/icons/sounds and depending on what I use when its ready to playtest, credit will be givin to all the wonderful modelers in the wc3 community.
Will update later!
I've been a big fan of wc3sear.ch for many years, always fiddling with world editer making maps to play privately with friends.
But the day has come that I have decided to take on a project, looking for people who are intrested in joing or aiding the development of a Fallout RPG, I am still planning things out, looking threw the tools and spells provided by the good people here. Now some of the weapon models are superb, and the 4 advanced marines are great, but I need weapon icons badly, along with a select few items. http://www.nma-fallout.com/ is a great fallout resource. Contact me if you wish to help me in any way, even if it is just some advice, tips, or just to say "You ROCK".
Email me at [email protected] or reply to this thread, I will atempt to visit the site regulaurly, need feedback and support, been a map editer for many years starting with SC and have NEVER finished a map due to the wieght of working on one single handedly.
Gameplay goals are; Save/Load, Interactable NPCs (talk, barter, trade, steal or kill), Karma (positive or negative choices), SPECIAL (Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, Luck), Specific Targeting (eyes, head, l/r arm, l/r leg, groin, etc), Companions (AI (like Suicidal, Damage, Balanced, Disable, Stealth, etc), Skills (most Fallout 2 Skills, Traits and Perks), and an Attack System.
If you are unfamiliar with the setting of Fallout in general, its a post apocolyptic world, in my map I plan to have the players be able to customize there hero completely, from apearance, combat style (no melee for main PC), karma (good, bad, or neutral), and even a vehicle. I plan to make each hero have a backpack, along with a seperate Equipment Hero (which would be the items you equip).
I have just started this map a few days ago, imported the majority of the public models/icons/sounds and depending on what I use when its ready to playtest, credit will be givin to all the wonderful modelers in the wc3 community.
Will update later!