[Campaign] Fall of Alyron

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Level 2
Jan 4, 2015
This will be a 8 Chapter campaign that follows different characters from 4 different races as they fight the Undead Legion (most of these names will change, especially the race/faction names).


Alyron has had catastrophic wars before, but the following battle is something that nobody could have anticipated in years to come. A powerful necromancer has gained acess to a relic of ages past, that allows him to bend the dead to his will. He plots revenge on all those who had forsaken him, as he prepares a gigantic legion of shambling corpses, ready to demolish everything they see. The humans have had undead interventions before, but never have they seen such a huge army. With the entire Human Kingdom slowly falling to its knees, a young prince, named Engeramus, seeks a answer to do two major tasks in his life: to stop the undead invasion, and to prove to his father that he is the rightful heir to the throne, while his brother is not. Tasked upon his father to stop the undead from advancing as much as he can, he is sent to nearby cities and villages to rid them of the undead.

The elves have never seen a undead, so the human reports of a animated corpse frightens them completely. In the elven capital city, a general shall rise. A general who shall lead her people to the greater good and their safety.

The orcs are a unique race. They have faced reanimated corpses before, and have openly ransacked undead gathering points, so they know how vicious they can be. The news of a huge army of undead unsettles them, as the Grand Seer of the orcs attempts to find a way to save them from the dangers of this invasion. For if the humans fall, the orcs will soon follow. A brilliant Seer will take after his grandfathers steps and for the first time, attempt something unimaginable: request a alliance with the humans.

The dwarves think that they don't have to fear the undead. They have killed legions of them, so they believe this will be easy. Despite the fact that their mountain tops' blizzards and storms provide a natural defence against the undead, if they claim their gates, they are trapped. They also face another threat, as recently, boulders have started to come to life, and kill dwarves. The dwarven king will have to find a way to combat the oncoming undead invasion, aswell as stop the living stone monster invasions.


Prince Engeramus Kingstone: Son of King Theodor Kingstone and Maria Kingstone, both of which who were excellent warriors, faces a threat from his brother, Daniel Kingstone, as his father decided that Daniel is worthy of the throne. He is tasked with saving small villages and cities from the oncoming undead invasion, but he is also troubled with finding a way to prove to his father that he is worthy of the throne. He will find a way to solve both of these troubles with one treacherous trip into a ancient underground temple.

Prince Daniel Kingstone: Brother of Engeramus Kingstone. He is introduced as a nice, honest, fair and gentle man, when in reality, he's a power monger and greedy. His father made him heir of the throne. He too is tasked with saving small villages and cities from the undead invasion, but in the event of the horde coming closer, he is to follow, while Engeramus is to stay outside and keep the horde delayed.

King Theodor Kingstone: Father of Engeramus, Daniel and Ceola Kingstone. A noble and excellent warrior, he is known as the prime example of a valiant fighter and a great leader. His wife, Maria, died in combat against the orcs, which lead to a gruesome 10-year long war known as the Iron Gauntlet war, which ended with the destruction of thousand orc encampments and a temporary pact of no agression. He is kind to his allies, but ruthless to his enemies.

Princess Ceola Kingstone: Daughter of Theodor Kingstone, she has shown signs of magic since the age of 4. Ever since, she has learned to adapt her powers to be more effective. She plans on using her spells against the oncoming undead invasion. Not much is known about her, as she keeps herself to herself, but rumours of her beauty have started to spread in recent times.

Commander Ithric: Engeramus' right hand man. He'll do everything that his lord orders him. Despite the fact that he has served Engeramus for a long time, he had never told him his last name. It is not known if Ithric is his real name at all. Nothing is really known about him, he never even showed his face in public.

*more characters to be added soon*

Features I wish to accomplish

-A unique story, albeit a few races that have been seen before.
-All characters with their own unique goals to accomplish and personalities
-Story is top priority. I want to make likeable characters, and worlds in which the player will not only understand everything, but will also be able to enjoy.

To-do list

-Add more characters
-Add more info about the existing characters
-Design how the world will look like
-Choose names for each race, class, unit, and so forth

Please leave your feedback and comments on what I should do to make this map better, and to make this topic better.
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Level 2
Jan 4, 2015
Now that I have checked out a few posts, I will post the characters I have gotten so far, aswell as the unpolished storyline. So, excuse me while I go edit this a bit.
Level 2
Jan 4, 2015
Also, can someone reccomend me a few good tools I could use? If possible, a easy to understand one?
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