Expertee's on triggering? (Help)

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Level 5
Aug 14, 2004
Ok, so basically i need this trigger to work like, if a player selects 12 of the "crystlis's" i want each one to die and leave a unit under it, but whne i was testing all the units mass up on one and one explodes, and thats only sometimes.. . . .... and once ina while in multiplayer (when i tested) the unit would start off into another players base...

Heres what i have so far...

Unit- a unit starts the effects of an ability

(Ability being cast) equal too ('spell name')

Set Drone_cash = (Triggering Unit)
Set Drone_cystlis = (Position of (Triggering Unit))
If All conditions are true)Then do(actions)..(else)

If - Conditions
((Owner of Drone_cash) current lumber greater than or equal too 40

Then - Actions
Player Add -40 to (owner of(Drone_cash)) current lumber
Wait 15 seconds
Unit - Kill (drone_cash)
Unit - Create 1Drone for (Owner of Drone_cash) at (Position of Drone_cash) faceing bla bla...
Unit - Create spechil effect .. bla bla..

Else - Actions:
Game display to players bla bla bla...
Do nothing

Ok yeah.. . . can anyone give me some pointers?
i wouldent mind doing massave triggrs for it, because the whole backbone of my Map... basically it spawns your basic units... well. . . medium to basic units.. . ... Yup yup..
Thus.. i umber need it to work good.
Anyone up for the challenge?
Level 13
May 5, 2004
Your 15 sec wait action could cause some problems, e.g. if the trigger is running and you start it while trigger one isn't complete, your variables

Set Drone_cash = (Triggering Unit)
Set Drone_cystlis = (Position of (Triggering Unit))

will mess up.
Level 5
Aug 14, 2004
well, iv tryed all the destroyer form abilitys, se there are 4 of these on one unit... so that creates 'cross contamination' I guess you could call it.. . ..

what about the arays?.. i dont think i have any on any of my variables, lol. .. . .. cuz i dunno what they are
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