First message here!
Anyways, i need some help: Is it worth getting the expan. for wc3? i mean i know it's got all cool new features and units but do people play that online still? cos i heard everyone just plays roc right now? I really want to get it cos before i made an awesome map(on roc) which had a harbour on each island (12 islands) and you could move from island to beach to ships which could float and rest on the beach while soldiers got onboard etc and my computer just went KAHOOOOOOING-KAPHUT-PHUT-PHUT-BEEYyyyooooo.... or something like that and deleated my map, so pls, is it worth it and do ppl still play custom games online on it?
First message here!
Anyways, i need some help: Is it worth getting the expan. for wc3? i mean i know it's got all cool new features and units but do people play that online still? cos i heard everyone just plays roc right now? I really want to get it cos before i made an awesome map(on roc) which had a harbour on each island (12 islands) and you could move from island to beach to ships which could float and rest on the beach while soldiers got onboard etc and my computer just went KAHOOOOOOING-KAPHUT-PHUT-PHUT-BEEYyyyooooo.... or something like that and deleated my map, so pls, is it worth it and do ppl still play custom games online on it?