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Evadable Ranged Attack

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Level 7
Apr 27, 2008
Anyone know if there some way to make a unit's ranged (preferably hero's, melee would be nice too, but I can live with just ranged) attack evadable (when a unit is moving) without the use of artillery? I do not like artillery-type attacks because of its attack ground ability slot and the fact that killing blows explode the target.
Level 19
May 1, 2008
there is a line in the advanced > gameplay constants
"chance to evade moving or high ground units"
try to tweak that
Level 7
Apr 27, 2008
Eh, thanks, I'll look and see if that works, I had tried the missile homing enabled to false with just a normal missile, but that didn't work obviously. I'll also look at that moving unit constant, didn't see that when I looked through it.
Set ''Combat - Attack 1 Projectile Homing Enable'' to false.

If your unit/hero uses Attack 2, set ''Combat - Attack 2 Projectile Homing Enable'' to false.

After that, just set ''Combat - Weapon Type'' to ''Missile (Splash)''.
Note that ''attack ground'' icon won't show.

will it damage any unit that it passes through or just the targeted unit if it didn't evade?
Level 7
Apr 27, 2008
Hits the ground with splash, but I believe that if you set the missile to line, it will damage who it goes through, maybe, I haven't tried that yet, but it might just start homing in on the target again, like the regular missile.
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