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Escape Builder R 0.93f

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.
-Escape Builder [Reloaded]-


This Map was made from scratch inspired by the original by interflo, aiming to continue it's legacy.
This variant tries to please both escapers and builders by providing not only tons of objects and units for builders to use,
but also 4 startmazes for the escapers, as well as custom spells, items and cosmetics.
EBR also comes with abuse protection, preventing evil builders ruining the game for others.

Want to play?

Discord: Join our the server!
We usually host on weekends around 7-12pm CET on Battle.net Gateway Europe.
Add me on battle.net: Frotty


The players are split into 2 teams, the Builders and the Escapers.

For the Escapers the map plays like a normal Escape:
They pick one of 4 Heros, each with different Spells and run/jump/slide through a maze full of traps and monsters.

The Builders in the other hand have a unique task, having to create a maze for the Escapers ingame, with plenty of different objects and units.

The Map's Terrain is split into 4 Starting Mazes and 17 free regions.
Any Builder can claim a Region, buying a Terrain at the Region Administration.
Every Builder also has his own Builder-unit, Terrainmenus and Unit Producers, which provide the essentials for building mazes.


Powered by

NameEscape Builder Reloaded


Save System

Build a M.A.P. from second builder to try out the experimental maze save/load[/COLOR]



  • Fixed save/load issues
  • Save unit type for unitcreator save/load
  • Fixed previously linked waypoints being defunct after unlinking
  • Fixed order collisions between movespeed modifiers and other abilities
  • Fixed static objects built on a teleporter being teleported
  • Fixed lobby revivepoint issues
  • Fixed bug with walking across regions as escaper
  • Fixed splitting of random killers from their setup unit
  • Fixed JukeBox
  • Improved Powernode bounce behavior
  • Improved all of the minigames
  • Added new Minigame: Warlock
  • Added new minigame Agario
  • Reworked some start mazes
  • Added two new cosmetic items
  • Added a -kick command for admins
  • Fixed M.A.P. maze save/load using the new natives
  • Fixed item save/load
  • Fixed Waypoint clear not doing anything
  • Fixed cam lock being disabled after portal teleports and minigames
  • Fixed 'smode' command
  • Fixed escapers dying on unwalkable from just rotating
  • Fixed builder lounge teleporters not being removed when a builder leaves
  • Fixed certain deaths being counted twice
  • "Hold position" is now hidden from the command card to prevent hotkey collisions on french locale
  • Increased Knockbacker activation radius and reduced chances of tunneling
  • Many upstream fixes from the wurst standard library
  • Added a new minigame: Slide Arena (randomly generated slide challenge)
  • Waypoints can now be linked and unlinked with multiple other waypoints dynamically
  • Added key mode "one per escaper" that allows each escaper to carry an instance until one is used
  • Arcaneries can now grant the jump and orb spell for a one time use
  • Changed minigame's selection algorithm to cycled random
  • Changed unitcreator random mode to cycled random for a more stable, predictable pattern
  • The color of rooted keys' X symbols now matches the key's color
  • Keys can now also be picked up by builder-escapers in shared regions
  • Fixed keys not being able to be removed via their remove spell (only builder pickup)
  • Fixed unitcreator interval changes setting spawned unittype to bunnies
  • Fixed bomber attackspeed settings missing
  • Fixed executer mode tooltip hotkey typo
  • Fixed conga line duplicate spells and overlapping orderids
  • Fixed a pathing bug in lounge where escapers could get stuck
  • Fixed a few typos in tooltips
  • Fixed builder cam changing on escaper revive by default (can be adjusted with -smode)
  • Fixed more errors with minigames and escapers being dead or unpicked
  • Slightly reduced percentage needed to trigger a builder teleport
  • Fixed orb missile having invalid height
  • Fixed builders not being able to pick up their own keys with their escaper
  • Fixed pointer -sa/-setangle command
  • Fixed ankh not setting cam properly on revive
  • Fixed rare cases of corrupted votes for teleporters
  • Added gold rewards to space minigame
  • Fixed minigame bugging out when a player didn't pick an escaper yet
  • Reactivate old minigame "Space Adventure"
  • Fixed executer pressure plate deactivating even though escapers activating it didn't move
  • Fixed texter removing spaces
  • Fixed tracks erroring on removal
  • Fixed booster not being invisible to escapers
  • Fixed more bugs in the revive handler
  • This is a bugfix release adressing most found issues in 0.91d, considered somewhat stable now
  • Fixed errors on deleting bombers and bomber towers
  • Fixed gaining control over terrain modders when a builder leaves
  • Fixed not being able to build Arcanery
  • Fixed not being able to modify region gravity properly
  • Fixed not being able to remove items
  • Fixed some revive issues
  • Standard library and frentity dependencies updated
  • Built with latest wurst compiler version
  • Various fixes for minigames including vision, reviving and errors popping up
  • Fixed leaking entitiy references when rotating decorations
  • Disabled all save/load capabilites to avoid desyncs/crashes with unstable 1.30 patch
  • Regions such as E that couldn't be claimed, are now fixed (thx @Fenris)
  • Jumpers can now be configured to allow killers
  • Adjusted Ice startmaze killer positions slightly and improved flow at the beginning
  • Moved Jumper in desert startmaze to make jump direction for intuitive
  • Relocated walkable tile before the door in forest startmaze and made illicit jump to final teleporter less obvious
  • Increased spacing of some spun killers in citadel startmaze
  • added reverse ice option to executer
  • changed blind escaper to fix attachments and footsteps
  • execute initial sync task after map init to avoid desyncs
  • fixed revivepoint losing remove ability
  • fixed faceless one not walking in forest startmaze
  • fixed spinners and congas appearing as idle workers
  • fixed conga missing speed configuration
  • fixed slow wave learn hotkey
  • fixed goos
  • fixed duplicate deaths on region leave
  • fixed executer pressure plate not resetting when the pushing escaper dies
  • fixed M.A.P. loading for slightly larger data sets
  • fixed builder custom revivepoint
  • fixed deaths being accounted for twice
  • fixed region gravity allowing for zero gravity
  • fixed red player always being awarded the checkpoint when teleporting from one startmaze to the other
  • fixed minigame area not being revealed
  • fixed succeeding minigame votes instantly triggering minigame after first successful vote
  • 90s desync hotfix
  • replace TH sync with mori's brand new wurst sync libs (rank and maze save/load now much more stable)
  • minor redesign of citadel startmaze to make it easier and more fun, also hide spinners
  • minor redesign of grass startmaze mainly fixing some possible skips
  • further increase unwalkable damage and slightly adjust jump height to prevent skipping two tiles with a normal jump
  • slightly increase small obstacle kill range
  • fixed exceptions when entering startmaze tp
  • fixed desyncs and black screens at start
  • fixed escapers not gaining vision of advancing region when their hero is dead
  • fixed spinner and conga getting stuck when changing visibility
  • fixed a few jump related exploits to skip 2 tiles
  • fixed loading empty and tile-only M.A.P. slots
  • fixed multiboard version title
  • added configuration options to smode command
  • added turnOn/Off functionality to spinner and powernode
  • added midway-point to forest startmaze because it seems to be the hardest part and a noob trap
  • added new powernode tether that blocks in air only
  • added serialization to trees
  • fixed duplicate executer procs
  • fixed unitcreator creating units without rallypoint
  • fixed powernode ground tether speed glitch
  • fixed powernode bounce not working properly when jumping on ice
  • fixed spider after glaive-spinner in citadel startmaze
  • fixed tracks not working after being constructed without rotating
  • fixed localfile check freezing at startup
  • fixed wrong objects being removed and others left behind when a minigame ends
  • fixed builders triggering minigame vote
  • bomber in autoattack mode now also attacks builders' escapers (thx to hekko4)
  • merged bombertarget and teleportertarget into generic "objecttarget" unit
  • made data syncing internals more robust
  • made powernodes more stable and less prone to tunneling
  • further finetune walkable pathing (decreased collision to ground slightly, unwalkable now needs a few ticks to kill)
  • more objects are generated via code now, thanks to Kane
  • more fixes and improvements to save/load (1.26 patch compatability)
  • fix not being able to activate executer in terrain mode
  • fix non-turning pointer not being updated properly
  • reduce wall pathing to more accurately fit the model
  • restore save/load functionality for patch 1.28.5
  • fix M.A.P. loading empty file
  • fix teleport staff not using charges
  • fix Slow Wave tooltip
  • fix Bomber Tower not being able to attack Bomb Targets
  • fix Bomber autoattack mode first attack
  • slightly reduce jump cooldown and revive time
  • fix minigame leaks
  • fixed walls being clickable
  • fixed item descriptions
  • fixed builders buying shop items
  • fixed teleport staff
  • fixed time display
  • added more coins to the startmazes
  • fixed and improved lobby teleporters
  • added sliding areas to lobby
  • added the first minigame, Random Rumble
  • increase default speed and increment of tracks
  • decreased bomber missile speed
  • texters can now be de/activated by spell and executer
  • sleep effect of disabled objects is now only visible to owner
  • set cooldown of all items in the shop to 2 seconds
  • texttags are now managed. this fixes texttags disappearing when they shouldn't and everyone sees the same
  • improved performance by using latest wurst compiler
  • changed builder menus so they don't change position
  • made it possible to add builder to a control group (ctrl+1 now permanently binds it)
  • fixed executer pressure plate staying activated when the activator dies on the plate
  • fixed slow wave tooltip and learn button position
  • fix typos for kane
  • fix rallypoints on units
  • fixed revivepoint having wrong tile below it
  • fixed decorations becoming clickable
  • made unitcreators first spawn instantly
  • made forest maze slightly easier
  • made bomber not require an additional stop order to function correctly in auto attack mode
  • added more cosmetic items and reduce cost
  • prevent jumping between regions
  • prevent casting most spells in lobby
  • made lobby teleporters vote based
  • added "High Obstacle" for easier jump blocking
  • added three sizes for vortex and changed effect color
  • prevent orbs from travelling across regions
  • fixed walls being skewed and having questionmarks
  • fixed executer turnon being available before action chosen
  • fixed some cases of wrong knockback from tauren when escaper and knockbacker are moving
  • fixed escapers not having region spell when picking late and keeping spell too long in some cases
  • fixed blind escaper multiboard icon
  • fixed blue and orange goos not being removed properly
  • fixed ankh item giving ankh ability to user when used invalidly
  • add permanent tile under revivepoint to prevent death loops
  • currently active revivepoint may no longer be removed
  • allow builders to move in lobby
  • slightly increased max decoration size
  • slightly reduced firekiller burn range
  • slightly reduce jump cooldown
  • improved lobby teleporters
  • KNOWN ISSUE: save/load is broken with patch 1.28
  • slightly reduced bomb tower explosion radius
  • fix teleporter only teleporting dummy
  • increased unit creator maximum spawn interval
  • added on/off mechanic for some circle objects
  • executer modes generalized to turning any circle object and doors on/off/toggle
  • added delay for save/load maze process to lower lagg spike
  • M.A.P. now paused during save/load to prevent impatient users from causing errors
  • now also saving: decorations, booster speed
  • removed long texter commands and improved info
  • fix executers turning on unitcreators
  • fix escaper spells staying behind when reaching a checkpoint
  • fix pointer issues (-sa works again, turn mode starts at current facing)
  • fix jumping two tiles
  • add new escaper
  • slightly rebalanced activation ranges to better match visuals
  • fixed trap periodic evaluation radius being smaller than activation range
  • attempted another oneway portal color fix
  • fixed not being able to change facing on ice in special cases due to new pathable check allowing subtile positions
  • fixed BigSubString leaks in save/load mechanism
  • fixed not being able to delete MAP objects
  • fixed revive modifier not being removed
  • adjusted lounge revivepoint to be reset every time a revivepoint outside it is reached
  • minor startmaze improvements
  • added wip gold coins for shop purchases
  • minor bug fixes
  • fixed save/load only working for a very small amount of tiles/objects
  • fixed removing entities upon deselection
  • fixed another corner cutting exploit
  • added serialization to more objects (all except book and boots should work now. report missing entries please.)
  • fixed not creating savefiles for new players (this prohibited players without prior savefile from save/load via MAP and rank)
  • fixed forest startmaze jump exploit
  • fixed instant builder broken due to M.A.P.
  • fixed objects being removed on save
  • added overhead attachmentpoint to COP and Box models
  • added serialization for more objects (WIP)
  • new icons
  • fixed double free when picking key without permission
  • fixed pointer performance issue
  • fixed airkiller ghost having different flyheight
  • fixed MAP not being deleteable and changing terrain outside region
  • fixed lagg on placing first unitcreator
  • fixed unitremover removing obstacles and decoration
  • fixed multiboard title
  • improved MAP functionality (can save some objects but limited, added compression, has known issues - still _experimental_)
  • improved blue goo jumping behavíour on ice
  • changed big grass obstacle model
  • renamed firekiller
  • removed omnilight from circleOfPower model to avoid graphic glitches
  • reduced small killer height so it can be jumped more easily
  • reduced velocity of escaper after orb jaunt
  • increased orb inherited velocity
  • added fire killer
  • added inner strength to strong escaper
  • added activation effect for one-shot executer
  • added M.A.P (wip, experimental; if you have localfiles enabled you can save and load terrain (saving objects soon))
  • now setting camera distance continuously
  • changed path-checking to accommodate for texture overlaps (experimental; makes it impossible to cut diagonals, but allows cutting corners to avoid visually incorrect deaths)
  • overhead key effect is now colored accordingly
  • improved visuals for oneway portal
  • fixed buff error spam
  • fixed arcanery activation radius
  • fixed terrainchanger texture selection being unavailable
  • fixed terrainchanger leaving behind tiles when decreasing size
  • fixed incorrect jukebox music durations
  • fixed savesystem incorrectly handling multiple profiles
  • fixed placing portals while flying
  • fixed several missing or incorrect hotkeys
  • fixed spinning sleeping entities having wrong distance
  • even more awesome icons by kari
  • minor bugfixes
  • added arcanery that silences escapers until they leave a given radius
  • terrainmodder now returns to 1x1 brush size after 20 seconds of idletime
  • Adjusted regions a bit
  • Fixed vision bugs and other minor things
  • region shops are now centered and have reduced activation range
  • more fixes to leaver control share
  • fixed cam changing for builders from oneway portal regardless of smode
  • fixed bomber attackspeed and autoattack mode
  • fixed movespeed and boosterspeed inconsistencies
  • fixed escapers entering and getting vision across unbought regions
  • fixed pointer setangle command and enabled it for SP test mode
  • minor startmaze adjustments
  • terrainchangers are now visible by default but can be made invisible
  • SP testmode must now be enabled via the -test command
  • rename doesn't break savefiles anymore
  • dead escapers no longer continue sliding
  • fixed oneway portal fx staying too long and added target effect
  • fixed game init stopping if a player left during startup or syncing
  • fixed congalinehead and added new mode
  • fixed builder escapers gaining XP from escaper deaths
  • fixed big obstacles having collision
  • removed TC-changer debug sfx
  • introduced restrictions for moving units via executer
  • made localfiles sync sequential to avoid laggs and desyncs at start
  • more startmaze reworks
  • added different vortex modes
  • more icons by krari
  • fixed terrainchanger leaving tiles behind (this still happens at absurd speeds)
  • fixed builder not being able to drop items
  • Fixed Builder getting in forbidden regions
  • Fixed tiles not getting blocked after a tc-blocker had been removed
  • Fixed TerrainChanger changing unallowed regions
  • Fixed some tooltips, names and hotkeys
  • Fixed Big Obstacles being placed off center from build position
  • Fixed JukeBox getting stuck
  • Fixed Builders being able to remove level books in startmazes with builder
  • Removed some leftover unit soundsets
  • Reduced first time lagg for actions like claiming regions or switching pages
  • Replaced some jukebox entries
  • Reduced noise on powernode tethers
  • More new icons
  • Ranks can be saved again
  • Remaining builders gain control over left builder's regions and setupboxes(for clearing)
  • Some new amazing icons by kari!
  • Revamped picksystem to use abilities instead of arrowkeys
  • Now randomizing the first Escaper disaplayed for picking for each player
  • Added perks that are unlocked at certain ranks
  • Added easy mode region option that damages and knockbacks escapers in situations where they would die otherwise
  • Setting rallypoints on items is now possible

  • hotfixes

  • Waypoints can now be "and"-linked, meaning they only order units on the waypoint when both waypoints have been triggered
  • Tile cutting now works more easily if enabled
  • Fixed obstacles in forest startmaze
  • Added fountain and fixed torches in desert maze
  • Fixed terrainchanger changing blocked terrain
  • Fixed regression in key pickup prevention
  • Improved Lounge visuals

  • Added orb tether to powernode
  • Made it harder to skip the door in the forest mazes
  • Increased Door activation height
  • Escapers now die on snow in the choose area
  • Added region option to allow diagonal tile cutting similar to the ice4 escapes

  • Improved Texture Changer (only removes tiles behind)
  • Fixed orb being colored wrong and changed trajectory


  • Added blink to all test-escapers in singleplayer test mode and made them spawn after pick
  • Fixed some tooltips and hotkeys
  • Reenable teamattacks (so builder escaper dies for testing)


  • Third Startmaze finalized
  • crashbug confirmed fixed, other known bugs remain
  • Added omnious orb ability as region special (see setup box)
  • Escaper turnspeed can now be set per region
  • Unified powernode lightning textures
  • Minor startmaze redesigns
  • Added notification for escapers when they receive a region's special ability
  • Lounge area teleporters now get removed if no longer needed
  • Added new spell to fast escaper (oneway portal)
  • Fixed startmaze init affecting player mazes
  • Fixed losing escaper when flying out of map
  • Fixed event issues
  • Fixed portal model glitch
  • Optimizations for lower-spec pcs (experimental)
  • Now using Frentity

  • green startmaze wip
  • hopefully fixed or avoided crashbug

  • finally fixed crash bug by removing forest maze
  • added new powernode air tether
  • allow jumping on uncontrollable ice
  • add -rename command
  • Bosses WIP
  • a lot of minor stuff, icons, bugfixes, adjustments here and there

  • added dimension shifter enemy
  • added new tracks to jukebox
  • fixed pointer from unitcreator not being pointed correctly
  • fixed revive modifier
  • fixed jukebox desync
  • fixed jukebox requests

  • enhanced builder abuse prevention
  • changed music playing to jukebox requests
  • fixed lagg when the jukebox changes music
  • fixed other builders can control regions from left builders

  • added jump abilitty that can be activated per region
  • fixed killers getting stuck at waypoints
  • fixed powernode bounciness

  • fixed region sharing
  • fixed pointer
  • increased track max speed
  • increased trap max knockback
  • increased vortex max gravity
  • changed jumper so that picking up keys midair is now always possible
  • changed jumper's color depending on mode
  • changed annoying cactus in desert maze
  • updated minimap

  • fixed killers stopping in startmazes
  • other schtuff

  • fixed fatal freeze erro (thx to WaterKnight, lep, Crigges)
  • added power node link types
  • adjusted startmazes

  • fixed issues introduced in 0.84
  • changed revivepoints now change the color to the claimer's one
  • changed startmazes according to user feedback

  • added Executer-Action "Start UnitCreator"
  • added UnitCreator Knockbacker unittype
  • added Circular brush for terrian modifiers
  • added 3rd brush size 5x5 and new selection mechanic
  • fixed Tracks no longer affect flying escapers
  • fixed Glaive and Pointer not being teleported and removed properly
  • fixed Terrain brushes changing terrain over border
  • fixed Map not being playable on ENT, MMH and other old hostbots
  • fixed Image leak

  • improved measures to reduce setup-separation (powernodes fixed)
  • improved now using StdLib v2
  • improved EventHandling
  • fixed removing object resetting camera
  • fixed effect leak on destroy
  • fixed Escaper Hotkeys
  • fixed Jumper Hotkeys
  • fixed clearing tome leaks

  • fixed terrainblocker removal
  • fixed escapers can now jump over obstacles
  • added knockbacker strength now adjustable
  • added new ranks
  • added teleporter teleports pointers

  • Fixed Terrainblockers and goo
  • Compiled with new wurst & stdlib version

  • Secrets
  • Changed static key visual

  • Performance optimization
  • Small fixes...

  • Introduced automatic rank saving (you will need to have local files enabled)
  • Revamped Camera Shaking
  • Key Static-Dropmode now has visual indication
  • Jukebox functionality restored
  • Added Camera commands (distance, lock, etc.)
  • Added Small Quest about Commands, more will follow
  • Added Forced/Unforced toggle for jumper
  • Added pull/push for knockback traps
  • Added "No Effect"-Effect for traps
  • Together with ranksaving, rank visuals are reintroduced
  • Fixed most bugs (if you don't revive due to a bug, use the -frev command)
  • New Vortex Model for better performance
  • Escapers can now choose to play the other available startmazes before advancing to the first usermaze
  • Revamped Init-Mechanic
  • Added Knockbacker unit, a moveable Tauren that knockbacks Escapers that come near it, inflicting minor damage
  • Made the Unitspawner use 2 sites
  • UnitCreator can spawn Pointers
  • Probably more :) Find out!

  • Bunch of Fixes, especially jumpers & traps
->0.80 (incomplete)

  • Additions:
  • New Object: Trap
    -configureable circleobject with many options to choose from (type of sfx and type of trap)
    -with interval option
  • New Object: Different Walls
  • New Object: Conga Line Head
  • New Escaper: Slide Escaper
  • New system: Gridclick
    -Helps ordering the units for builder
    -can be turned on/off
  • Replaced Lights Menu with Decorations Menu
  • Some changed Abilities for escapers.
  • Global Changes:
  • Revamped Slidingsystem
  • Added 3 States of possible triggerunits (escaper,killer,both)
  • Much smoother movement of escapers when influenced by forces
  • All Builder units are unclickable for escapers now. However circles remained clickable.
  • Improved most tooltips & rechecked all hotkeys
  • Improved the Instantbuild again, making it really instant.
  • Most Circle Objects can be activated by EscaperKillers now (3 activation modes)
  • Object Changes:
  • Executer
    -now offers 4 different modes(pressure plate, lever, one-shot, repeating)
    -new actions (move unit, toggle door mode, ...)
  • Door
    -can now be colored to restrict it to same colored keys
  • Key
    -added a keymodel
    -can be colored
    -now offers 2 modes on dropping (back to initial position or last walkable)
  • Powernode
    -better intersection detection
    -no more lagging lightings
  • Spinner
    -spinned units don't spam "stop" anymore
    -Added adjustable Cos- and Sin-factor (elliptical movement)
  • Unitspawner
    -Uses Spells for instant spawning now
  • Bomber
    -can toggle autoattack, it is turned off when placed.
  • Pointer
    -Has fixed facing when moving
    -Added -setangle XXX (-sa) command
  • Texter
    -added short commands (-st, -sht, -sc)
  • Removed Sounder for now

  • Cosmetics:
  • Imported changed tiletextures to make the pathing more clear
  • Added some special effects here and there
  • Most modifications use floating texts now
  • Smooth movement
  • Tracks now has an animation speed related to their track speed.
  • You can't rightclick Escapers anymore
  • Changed regions and startmazes a bit.
  • Sharing region pings minimap for the builder.
  • Rewrote all Triggers, New Objectsystem
  • Doors are now unclickable and still work with executers after opened/closed once
  • Jumping Units can now pass Walls, Doors and Cannontowers
  • When jumping from dark ice Escapers now get unpaused
  • Vortex can now have negativ gravity, which means it pushs every unit back from mid
  • Added the -clear command
  • Textags from texters now get removed when texter got removed via ClearRegion
  • Textags from texters are no colorizeable
  • Trees and Obstacles Actordummys now get removed when removed via ClearRegion
  • Added SpinGroup Ability for Spinner which spins all Units in AoE
  • Pointerturnspeed is now adjustable
  • Executer Rallybug fixed
  • Removed Leaderboard and added Multiboard
  • You can now allow other players to build in a region you claimed
  • Reverse Ice Added
  • Added Msg which Escaper advanced to next Checkpoint
  • Unitcreator reworked, you can now change all selected Creators intervalls at once
  • Removed 1 Terraintile to add reverseice, lava and poison terrain
  • better AutoClear and ClearRegion
  • implemented instant-build
  • Fixed Timerbug which soemtimes occured with Timerusing Objects
  • You now turn around by clicking on widgets if your on ice
  • Reduced Firstlagg of some units
  • much more minor things

  • Fixed terrainchangers walkable/unwalkable options
  • Keys now dotn stay on reverse ice anymore
  • Reduced Loadtime even more
  • Removed Debugmessages
  • Region sharing works now for everything except TCs(because if you use them bad they screw the whole maze)

  • max and MinSpeed are fixed
  • Removed some old code
  • Removed all left Debugmsgs
  • A player gets now notified if he allowed someone to build in his Region
  • Executer dont activate on One-time by anything anymore
  • Changed the RemovalHook

  • made Objects more dynamic and hopefully bugfree
  • Fixed the Doublefree issue and overtimedecay

  • fixed a last few bugs
  • Removed some Debugmsgs
  • Added Tracks
  • Walls work again
  • Music is now Music (seperated from sounds)
  • optimized again alot

  • Fixed Tracks turn issue
  • Added Glaive
  • Fixed Spell Sissue
  • New preview by MasterStryke

  • The Waypoint-Move Wisps configuration works now
  • Builder can change their Camera-distance with -cam [number]
  • Revamped the Key-relocate System
  • Escapers die on Unbuild Regions now
  • You cant allow an Escaper to build in your region
  • Spinner Spinspeed now gets displayed as textag
  • Removed the .00 from the Speedtextags
  • Builder information textags are now displayed locally
  • The first Checkpoint in A has the ability to teleport Escapers to its position

  • Lava and Posison Terrain
  • Fountain added
  • Updated Minimap
  • Added Hotkeys for Objects

  • Fixed Hotkeys
  • Fixed Poison terrain
  • Made Fountain regenerate faster
  • Added Powernodes(sort of moveable laserfence)

  • Hotfix for nodes

  • Fixed Fountains appereance
  • The texters -setcolor command now also accepts colorstrings in form of words(e.g. green,blue,red)
  • Added Shortcut Commands for Texter (-st, -sht, -ht, -sc )
  • Runes kill escaper again
  • replaces textmessages for config by Textags
  • Added delay configuration to Waypoint
  • Removed pausing by on uncontrollable ice
  • Changed Escaper Spells

  • Mainly Bugfixes

  • Rank Saving
  • Bugs fixed
  • Configuration for Executers when in terrain Mode


Credits for helping me in any way go to: Interflo/Codercow, Gamestargamer, Feuerblume, Garfield1337, Mo0ni[behh], Masterstryke, the_infamous, BeerOnTheBeach, carlor, fortress_na-f, BlauerRächer, RundasX, Clobohne, Waterknight and muzzel.

I appreciate feedback and suggestions!
Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder Escape Builder [R] Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Escape Builder Reloaded Maze Design Create Maze Design Create Maze Design Create Maze Design Create Maze Design Create Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape Builder [R] Escape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape BuilderEscape Builder

Escape, Builder, Creator, Generator, interflo, maker, do, your, own, ingame, Editor, maze, EscapeBuilder, Escape Builder, amazing.

Escape Builder [R] 0.93f (Map)

Level 3
Sep 10, 2016
Hi Frotty! In waiting of new version, I created a calculator in Escape Builder! You can watch it here:
Also a bug what I found, when Killer is teleporting through Teleport circle, teleports only invisible Killer, which can clickable by Builder. (hope I wrote this right...)

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Hi Frotty! In waiting of new version, I created a calculator in Escape Builder! You can watch it here:
Also a bug what I found, when Killer is teleporting through Teleport circle, teleports only invisible Killer, which can clickable by Builder. (hope I wrote this right...)
Faster than Java.
Level 23
Jan 1, 2009
This is a really neat map, has to be one of the most unique one I've played so far, great job.

Glad you like it! Thanks for 5 stars.

Hi Frotty! In waiting of new version, I created a calculator in Escape Builder! You can watch it here:
Also a bug what I found, when Killer is teleporting through Teleport circle, teleports only invisible Killer, which can clickable by Builder. (hope I wrote this right...)

Haha, very nice! I want to add some sort of basic logic & texter setting so you can do it more easily.
Will you show how you made it?
Is it a saved template?
GG anyhow. The latest WIP has been 89b for a while now, but I can't compile with latest patch.
The bug should be fixed next version. Atm I'm waiting on how to fix save system.
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Level 3
Sep 10, 2016
Will you show how you made it?
Okay, this is simple:
The mechanism consists of two parts (this is non working reconstruction):
The Count part: Снимок экрана от 2017-04-23 09:53:47.png

And part which write a result: Снимок экрана от 2017-04-23 09:49:26.png

For example, we want to count 4+3

In first of all, we will stand on "4" executer.

When we did it, 4 Tanks spawned in Count part: Снимок экрана от 2017-04-23 09:59:52.png
When Tank touch the Executer, Killer and Ghost in second part will move right: Снимок экрана от 2017-04-23 10:01:49.png (Way Points stop units)

Demon and Ghost passed through 4 way points.

Now, we will stand on "3" executer. 3 Tanks spawned again: Снимок экрана от 2017-04-23 10:06:56.png

Demon and Ghost moved again....
Now Demon and Ghost passed through 7 way points.

Now we will stand on "=" executer, and Demon will walked up through executers. (this is why Ghost need): Снимок экрана от 2017-04-23 10:09:30.png

And when Demon stand on executers, "07" will drawn: Снимок экрана от 2017-04-23 10:10:45.png

(sorry for grammatical mistakes)
Level 3
Sep 10, 2016
Played with friends in new 0.89c. This is cool! On\off stuff is VERY good, this opens up new opportunities! =)

Now what I found:
? :D Снимок экрана от 2017-04-25 19:55:40.png

When escaper comes to the Texter, a strange text wrote in the chat: Снимок экрана от 2017-04-25 21:50:30.png
Please, say truth, this is encrypted easter egg or just a test? :D
We with friend tried to decrypt, but we are stuck...
Level 3
Sep 10, 2016
Found few bugs:
Orange goo still here after delete, it just invisible.

Executer bug steps:
1. Make executer Снимок экрана от 2017-04-26 07:39:55.png
2. Set any mode (I selected "Repeating") Снимок экрана от 2017-04-26 07:39:59.png
3. Click on spell to deactivate this executer Снимок экрана от 2017-04-26 07:40:02.png
4. Click on spell to activate this executer Снимок экрана от 2017-04-26 07:40:06.png
"Change Terrain" mode set himself Снимок экрана от 2017-04-26 07:40:09.png

UPD: Vertical and Horizontal walls are directed in the wrong direction Снимок экрана от 2017-04-26 20:59:19.png (you can't rotate)
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Level 3
Sep 10, 2016
I overdid when named this AI, in fact - this is random. Just I maked this in midnight, and i've been too lazy for create AI.
About show mechanism... I just did not have time yesterday to show, sorry ;3;
When I create my next mechanism, I obligatorily show how it work.
Level 23
Jan 1, 2009
I overdid when named this AI, in fact - this is random. Just I maked this in midnight, and i've been too lazy for create AI.
About show mechanism... I just did not have time yesterday to show, sorry ;3;
When I create my next mechanism, I obligatorily show how it work.
Alright, I have pushed a bugfix release which fixes all the bugs you mentioned I think.

Thx :thumbs_up:
Level 2
May 19, 2017
Hi, Frotty! I want to make Russian translation for your map.
But there's one problem.
I see you updating this map "every month", so um..
If you update this map again, my translation will be not actual.
I think you understand what I'm meaning D:
Level 3
Sep 10, 2016
Hi, Frotty. In waiting of new version, I speedruned 4 startmazes in EBR:
Total time is 9:08. I can do it bit faster, but not now.

@hekko4 , cool idea. Maybe I can help too, if it possible =)
Level 2
May 19, 2017
Hey, Frotty. I with SFan042 worked on Russian Translation, and um, when we tried to start and check our translate, we got error about "Objects Limit". What we should to do? D:
Level 23
Jan 1, 2009
Are you trying to translate object editor data? I'm not sure if it can be easily merged.
If you hit the object limit you need an editor extension like jngp, wurstpack or WEX

But as I said, I think it would be more ideal to have 1 file with all the strings and use them to deploy maps with different language.
To my knowledge there isn't an easy way to have multiple languages in a map.
Level 3
Sep 10, 2016
Here is it: new speedrun. Total time is: 4:43. This is most fastest speedrun at this moment (i think)... But this is can be faster if speedrun with 0 deaths.
Watch here:
Level 3
Sep 10, 2016
Have you run into any bugs recently?
Do not met any bugs. Only thing I found, this is spell Slow Wave: Снимок экрана от 2017-05-24 08:29:53.png (Level %d)
Also you can't upgrade this spell with W hotkey in upgrade menu.

It will be good if you return Sounder circle. My friend requested you to add more decorations, from Forest Startmaze for example (rocks, fences etc.)
Level 3
Sep 10, 2016
Hi Frotty... Worst trouble happened today. My save file with Rank and EXP is just rewrited himself, and I lost my 8:Expert rank. My EXP was about 12720 + 470 + 230 + 130 (we played with friends today three times) = 13550 EXP I must have now ... please, can you return my EXP?
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Level 23
Jan 1, 2009
Hi Frotty... Worst trouble happened today. My save file with Rank and EXP is just rewrited himself, and I lost my 8:Expert rank. My EXP was about 12720 + 470 + 230 + 130 (we played with friends today three times) = 13550 EXP I must have now ... please, can you return my EXP?

How did it just rewrite itself??!!
I can make another savefile, what's your name again? alrik?

I pushed new versionb meanwhile. Need to make new speedrun with this one!
Level 3
Sep 10, 2016
How did it just rewrite itself??!!
I can make another savefile, what's your name again? alrik?

I pushed new versionb meanwhile. Need to make new speedrun with this one!

My nickname: yarik042 . Don't know how this rewrite itself. Maybe this is my fault, but I don't doing something dangerious. Probably this happened, when we play in Escape Builer, in the start, when map check everybody on Save File, one player is leaves (Warcaft III is crashed for him) the game. After this, my save file is rewrited.
I will try to speedrun new version =p
Level 3
Sep 10, 2016
My 2 friends too lost their ranks. This is exactly your rank bug. Very bad, when bugs like this is real... I hope you can fix it...

UPD: after restart, one friend's rank is return... mystic.
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Level 3
Sep 10, 2016
Hi, sorry, I don't know why it happens, I haven't changed anything regarding the save system since I can't use it right now (with 1.28).
This includes rank.

I think the bug has to do with multiple accounts? Do you play with other names or so? Because there are 3 accounts in the file you sent me.

this file should work for yarik042 hastebin

Sometimes I'm accidentally play as WorldEdit (in singleplayer, when forgot change my name after World Editor). But another, third account?.... I don't remember this.

UPD: this save file seems doesn't work... when I'm join the game, EBR at the start writes me, what my save file is activated...
BUT, my rank anyway is "Newbie".
Снимок экрана от 2017-06-02 10:55:52.png

UPD2: My friend yesterday also met with this trouble... in 2-3 minutes, him rank is returns... I will too try to wait.

UPD3: After 10 mins, nothing. My rank still "Newbie"
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Level 3
Sep 10, 2016
@SFan042 I found a version switcher on eurobattle. Hopefully I can upload new version this weekend. I will then send you new rank file if you want.

In other news, the first minigame and many bugfixes will come with next update.
Very good news! Of course, I want to return my rank. Very wait for new minigame!
Level 23
Jan 1, 2009

Oh I forgot it again :D
Well I don't have any testers right now since discord ppl inactive. If you add me on discord I can send you test version of new release if you want.

Of all the minigame maps I've played so far this has got to be the most creative one, I'm giving it a five/five for creativity
Hey, thanks! But I'm not sure why you would call it a "minigame" map? Or do you count escape maps under minigame? As builder it plays completely differently I would say.
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