Era Of X

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Level 28
Mar 25, 2008
Guess what.. I'm back to modding, finally..
I'm currently on a RPG which uses a dialog-based combat system.
That system wis quite unique as it uses clever use of attributes and so on ^^
I'll perfectize it, so people can use it for multiple (own) units when playing using that red selection arrow and also be able to choose which enemy to attack using the blue selection arrow and arrow keys

Anyway, I'll divide the story into four maps, each one makes use of one of the four well-known elements.

As you might notice, the screens are still very plain.. well what do you expect of a project which is 1/20 done? :D






This video may give you a VERY FIRST impression what can be done when using the system ;)

Current progress so far: 5%
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
A similar map
This map is has a rather similar system to your map. I rather enjoyed it but it was discontinued. So a question: Comparing your map system to the one in this map, are there any differences? If so, what are they?
Also, are there any unique gameplay features? Would be great if you could name some :)
PS: Please improve the terrain in the battle arena. It looks rather horrible ATM
Level 28
Mar 25, 2008
The system is quite easy to implement in your own maps (once it's finished), you can add/remove spells within a few clicks as the spelltriggers are not within the spell-dialog triggers, the system will also contain something like this:
(notice the action gauge)
and looots of other stuff which aren't used in other maps (since I don't play wc3 besides mauls and TDs, I don't even know about them D:)
Also, I'll actually try to make that system MUI so one can use it in network games.

Secondly, the stroyline is 'teh shit' - I wrote it during the last months but won't reveal it here - it has various turning points and maybe your decisions will affect the gameplay..

The uniquity of the gameplay is just that you have a working map without errors and most likely no bugs since not every trigger is connected to another one etc etc.
And also FUCKIN HUGE MASSIVE spells which will roast your graphics card (you can set the percantage of effects to be shown later on by typing '--eff X' with X being the percentual amount - for slower PCs.

PS: Please improve the terrain in the battle arena. It looks rather horrible ATM
As you might notice, the screens are still very plain.. well what do you expect of a project which is 1/20 done? :D

In fact, I use various games as reference, such as Tales of the abyss, Grandia and Golden Sun but the maps will be completely different, thou ^.^
You'll also be able to enter special fights where you can choose from all monsters you've killed yet.
Having chosen one, wc3 will take you to the battlefield where you fight it (the strength will be aligned to your level, so you can't instakill a lowlevel creep with you being on lv73 e.g.)
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