Seriously is this a joke ?
I am quite stunned that you fail to understand that users and the mainstream of projects, and that maps in project development section have high chances of being ignored by the simple fact they are not completed yet. I talk by self experience, after having my project in development section, I decided to submit it. Difference: users go to submitted maps to find a map they like to play and if they like it, they become fans and they help. Some members of my team (such as Anachron) started out as members with a simple post "Hey I like your map". I know i wouldn't have his help in development section.
Removing this voice (the fans voice) will inevitably decrease the user activity in THW and will decrease the amount of submitted projects - even the good ones.
Another side effect, besides losing users in THW, will be the increased amount of hosted projects, people will want help and creators will want popularity, so they will eventually spam the hosted project section which has now become useless due irrational decisions I won't considerate.
There will also be a cut on the new staff, when mods resign, you will have no one to choose from. If it is already difficult for mods to find successors or helpers (remembers me Hanky) you will make this task impossible.
I agree mini-mods should be back, however having them back does NOT imply to have these cons, users and mini-mods can get along fine.