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Elder Lands

Map Description:
So originally I was going to update my old map (6) Silver Coast. However as I kept "updating" the map the lay out and the map in whole changed so much that I did not consider it the same map anymore which lead me to solution to upload it as a new map. I hope you can give me feedback since I am willing to update the map (Trying to make DC). Have fun.

I think worth to point out that there is Senjai's Temple in the middle of the map, which you can summon by killing all 4 Guardians of the Seas.




Bigger size images can be found in my album. Icons by Blizzard.


• Uploaded
• Update I

- Guardians won't sleep
- Moved some creeps a bit
• Update II
- Added more details


• Creep Camps
- 20 Green Camps
- 16 Orange Camps
- 12 Red Camps (4 Guardian of the Seas)
• Neutral Buildings
- 8 Gold Mines
- 2 Goblin Merchants
- 2 Goblin Laboratories
- 2 Mercenary Camps
- 2 Tavern
- 8 Shipyards
- 1 Senjai's Temple

Remixer, Elder, Sunken, Ruins, Silver Coast, 3v3, ships, water, sea

Elder Lands (Map)

17:45, 13th Jun 2014 Orcnet: Another worthy melee map with a pinch of custom related items. The starting locations are pretty well placed as well as stable creep camp difficulty set for team-based and possibly one on one match, what I notice on the...




17:45, 13th Jun 2014
Orcnet: Another worthy melee map with a pinch of custom related items. The starting locations are pretty well placed as well as stable creep camp difficulty set for team-based and possibly one on one match, what I notice on the map is that it lacks expansion regions, although its conditionally fine if the map is for 2v2 game or 1v1, the use of 22.5k Gold Amount is good but players in starve to get more resource will have problem in harvesting gold.

The Terrain on the other hand is beautiful and widely range from doodads to acceptable view, I really like how some of the places can't be seen but still gives in a nice look into it. Finally the Senjai's Temple is what caught me to storm that area with my forces, its not a simple raid out area due to having custom-made units that turns out like mini-bosses before reaching out strong items to use.

Overall map is fit for a recommendation of 4/5, also a nice layout for team games and singles.
Level 16
May 25, 2004
Author's Note:

I would appreciate if any moderator would not review the map yet, as I want to update it. (Well moderators can give feedback and so but I want the map to be re-moderated later on.)

Also I was thinking of adding AI for the computers to use ships, however I was thinking that I let other people do it (as I have made some co-work with JCarrill0. And he can add ships via his mod.
Will do, and it looks great!

PS- grats on your 1000th Post!
Level 10
Nov 16, 2012


Elder Lands

+ [ Good ]
+ Screenshots impress me so much. That terrain aren't very flat. It has enough space for making a whole base.
+ Neutrals placed in the proper place. They have their partner, same race. Having a different race neutrals isn't good to see.
+ 8 gold mines is enough for 6 players. They will just make their own strategy to raid other players gold mine.
+ Good to see water area is not made of Blizzard's Cliff. Blizzard's Cliff isn't good to see, it looks ugly.
+ Every models fit in the game. It has no custom models, but you able to make a perfect terrain for this melee.

- [ Bad ]

Suggestions -




+Rep !

The Hive Workshop Official

Map Reviewer: eubz
Map Name: Elder Lands
Map Author: Remixer
Map Uploader: Remixer



This map is useful in a 3v3 game because of its design. The separation of the two opposing sides in this case is too wide considering that you have waters between them.

Score: 60/100


The terrain is nicely done. There are enough doodads everywhere. The trees are well organized. I could see a couple of environmental doodads. Some critters are also present in the map. I like the idea of editing doodad properties as long as the melee essence is present.

Score: 70/100


There are only 2 expansion goldmines for 6 players which, IMO, off in a melee map. In a standard melee map, each player should have 1 expansion goldmine.

I could not consider this map as balanced when it comes to individual players. Placement of Mercenary camps and Goblin Laboratories deprives the easy reach of other players as these are inclined too much to others. For instance, the mercenary camp above is easily reacheable by players 1 (red) and 2 (blue) while the start location of player 3(teal) is far from it. There are 10 Goblin shipyard while 6 of these is enough(3 on each side of the beach), even 2 (one on each side of the beach).

Good for 3v3 only. Lacks expansion goldmines, and imbalance placement of some neutral passive buildings make the rating lower.

Score: 50/100


Make this map playable for 2v2v2 and FFA.
Add four more expansion goldmines, one for each player.
Balance the placement of each neutral passive buildings.
Reduce the number of Goblin shipyards as there are too many of these in the map.

Though I have these suggestions, I still vote for approval as this map is pretty much playable with no hassle or whatever.

Nice work you got here, dude.


Final Score: 60.000/100
3/5 Vote for Approval


Contact: (Visitor Message) / (Private Message) / (Map Reviewers)


Map Reviewer
Level 31
Feb 19, 2011
Thx for the review, about the suggestions:
1. I don't like the idea, this is a remake of an old map and that for I am not willing to create it as 2v2v2 or anything else but 3v3, since the map was planned for 3v3 fights. While the only expansions (2 of them) work as the keys in order to win the map as the map size and lay out supports high defences and armies.

2. Mentioned above, however I'll think about this.

3. No, they are balanced, the map is made for 3v3. However I was kinda hoping to get feedback about the Senjai's Temple.

4. I'll take a look about this and think of an alternative solution.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
-the Tavern in the north can only be reached from one of its sides (east) while the other is reached through its southern side
-there are only one Tavern, Goblin Laboratory and Goblin Merchant on each side of the river while there are 4 Goblin Shipyards on each shore
-the map is a bit asymmetrical


Map Reviewer
Level 31
Feb 19, 2011
-the Tavern in the north can only be reached from one of its sides (east) while the other is reached through its southern side
-there are only one Tavern, Goblin Laboratory and Goblin Merchant on each side of the river while there are 4 Goblin Shipyards on each shore
-the map is a bit asymmetrical

I think the differences in the base islands are not very important as the time required to travel from another one to the other is very long. In that time the few differences do not matter at all, so for that count the map was supposed not to be completely mirrored.

The amount of neutral buildings could well be changed but I already decreased the amount of shipyards, maybe I'll look into this.