|Booty Bay Edited v1 by SerbianBoyZz |
|This map is Human vs. Orc |
If you want to edit my edited version, ask me for my permission(PM me).
Name: Edited Booty Bay
Description: Pirates once anchored their ships in these quiet coves. Now the area is overrun with more brutal tenants. Establish your own kingdom on these islands before your opponent does. Edited by SerbianBoyZz
What is edited?
- Human/Orc base is completely edited. Both bases are surrounded by walls, with added objects inside, for humans it's some houses and a fountain in the end of the base, for orcs it's Thrall's Hut from the Prologue Mission 1#, cages, etc.
- Both bases have the same buildings: Goblin Shipyard, Red Dragon Roost, Mercenary Camp, Fountain of Health and Fountain of Mana inside the base.
- Near Gold Mines in top of the map, are added Marketplace and Goblin Merchant.
- Random objects(cage, fountain etc.)
Are there any bugs?
Well, there is a little bug about players:
1. If you want to play as Human with bots you need to select the blue color to human(you), and red color to your orc oponent(computer(easy/normal/insane).
2. If you want to play as Orc with bots you need to select the blue color to orc(you), and red color to your human oponent(computer(easy/normal/insane).
If you don't do this steps correctly, all will be messed up(you can try and see).
SerbianBoyZz - Editing the map
Blizzard Entertainment - For creating game and map
Thanks to:
Maarten Hoen - For his youtube tutorial
Hive Workshop Members - For downloading and commenting on this map
Booty Bay, Warcraft III, Human, Orc, WoW, Blizzard.