Earth Lord Model

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Level 2
Aug 23, 2012
Hello there. :ogre_haosis:
The model was made by me and (Insert of of the person who helped me fix the bugs here)
It is currently unfinished, because:

:fp:1) World Editor crashes when it the unit's model changed to this one. *FIXED*

:fp:2) The mdx file is too big.

:fp:3) There is a blank spot (No textures) on the body, near hands.

I am new to modelling, so I don't know how to fix that.

Could someone fix it, or give me a tip how to do it?
The first problem is the main one, but the other too are important too.
I know that I'm new here, but it is impossible for me to fix it without your help.

UPDATE: Thanks to Retrosexual for helping me fix the WC3 Editor Crash.

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Level 2
Aug 23, 2012
Thanks, but it crashes World Editor for some reason. And it has some other problems that were already listed. So, can somebody help me? I can't even figure out why these problems showed up.
Level 2
Aug 23, 2012
THANK YOU! After I fixed geoset and materials it worked in Editor! The main problem is fixed! But still, how can I reduce filesize and fix the texture? The texture is not very important...but the filsize of the mdx is huge...
Btw, what do you mean "This could be done without custom skins" ?
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