Duststorm - Lady Liadrin

The Hiveworkshop
Techtree Contest #15


The Blood Matriarch
Lady Liadrin

with her Blood Knights

by johnwar

How to Play as the Blood Knights?

Race - Human
Handicap - 90%

Hero Abilities

Lady Liadrin

1st Skill Q

2nd Skill W

3rd Skill(Passive)

Ultimate Skill R

Light's Judgement
Lady Liadrin calls upon the light to change her holy abilities. Holy Light and Divine Punishment.

Holy Light
Calls upon the light to heal nearby friendly units. Level 1 - Heals for 100 hit points. Level 2 - Heals for 150 hit points. Level 3 - Heals for 200 hit points.
Divine Punishment
Calls down wave of holy light that damage units in an area. Each wave deals initial damage. Level 1 - 100 wave damage, 5 damage per second. Level 2 - 150 wave damage, 10 damage per second. Level 3 - 200 wave damage, 15 damage per second.
Divine Protection

Calls upon the light to give nearby friendly units bonus armor. Level 1 - 4 bonus armor.Lasts 25 seconds. Level 2 - 7 bonus armor. Lasts 35 seconds. Level 3 - 10 bonus armor. Lasts 45 seconds.
Weakness Aura

Decreases the movement speed and attack rate of nearby enemy units. Level 1 - 10% movement, 5% attack. Level 2 - 20% movement, 10% attack. Level 3 - 30% movement, 15% attack.
Blood Vanguard

Lady Liadrin calls her blood knights to fight with her. Lasts 70 seconds. Blood Knights have 900 hit points, 36 to 39 damage.
Grand Magister

1st Skill Q

2nd Skill W

3rd Skill(Passive)

Ultimate Skill R

Pillars of Flame

The Grand Magister casts pillars of flame in a straight line, dealing damage and stunning enemy ground units. Level 1 - 50 damage, 2 second stun, 2 pillars of flame. Level 2- 100 damage, 3 second stun, 3 pillars of flame. Level 3 - 150 damage, 4 second stun, 4 pillars of flame.
The Grand Magister blasts an area with fire, stunning enemy land units for 1 second and damaging nearby enemy units. Level 1 - 25 damage. Level 2 - 50 damage. Level 3 - 75 damage.

The Grand Magister's attacks destroy mana per hit. The mana combusts, dealing damage to the attacked unit. Level 1- 20 mana destroyed per hit. Level 2 - 25 mana destroyed per hit. Level 3 - 30 mana destroyed per hit.
Mount Arcane Golem

The Grand Magister mounts his own Arcane Golem, a powerful armored golem that has the following traits:|n|n- Bonus damage, hit points, and armor. The Grand Magister becomes mechanical, rendering him immune to most forms of stun, most offensive spells, and several beneficial spells.

1st Skill Q

2nd Skill W

3rd Skill(Passive)

Ultimate Skill R


Allows the Ranger to become invisible, and move faster for a set amount of time. When the Ranger attacks a unit to break invisibility, he will deal bonus damage. Level 1 - 15% move, 30 bonus damage, 25 seconds. Level 2 - 45% move, 60 bonus damage, 40 seconds. Level 3 - 75% move, 90 bonus damage, 55 seconds.
Mass Arrows
The Ranger shoots arrows, damaging nearby enemies. Level 1 - 85 damage per target. Level 1 - 135 damage per target. Level 1 - 200 damage per target.

Ranger Mastery
The Ranger can choose her mastery - Multishot and Stunning Shot.

The Ranger shoots powerful arrows at nearby enemy units, dealing 32 to 42 damage per hit. Level 1 - 3 arrows. Level 2 - 4 arrows. Level 3 - 5 arrows.
Stunning Shot
Gives a chance that an attack will do bonus damage and stun an opponent for a set amount of time. Level 1 - 20% chance per attack, 25 bonus damage, and 2 second stun. Level 2- 25% chance per attack, 35 bonus damage, and 3 second stun. Level 3 - 30% chance per attack, 45 bonus damage, and 4 second stun.

Causes the Ranger to attack 60% faster, but take 60% more damage and move 50% slower.

Model Credits

Icon Credits

Skin Credits

Sound Credits

  • Elenai
  • Ujimasa Hojo
  • Mythic
  • Cavman
  • Kuhneghetz
  • JetFangInferno
  • kangyun
  • Hawkwing
  • Mr.Goblin
  • AndrewOverload519
  • Grey Knight
  • Direfury
  • SinisterX
  • Sellenisko
  • Eagle XI
  • imforfun
  • I3lackDeath
  • Revilo
  • Tranquil
  • paulH
  • Pyritie
  • Weep

Blizzard Entertainment
  • Alexen
  • PeeKay
  • 67chrome
  • Elenai
  • General Frank
  • MadMax
  • AndrewOverload519
  • Mister_Haudrauf
  • Zephyrius2412
  • The Panda
  • Paladon
  • Darkfang
  • NFWar
  • Nugamentum
  • Mr.Goblin
  • 4eNNightmare
  • Hellx-Magnus
  • PrinceYaser
  • Murlocologist
  • Juan_Ann
  • kola
  • viiva

  • 67chrome
  • 84chrome
  • I3lackDeath

  • tomoraider
  • World of Warcraft
Author's Notes

  • This map is playable Classic Warcraft III (Patch 1.30)
  • Feel free to comment about the balance of the race.
  • If there is any bug or problems please let me know.
Hero Abilities
Hero Abilities

Duststorm - Lady Liadrin (Map)

Duststorm LV - Lady Liadrin (Map)

Level 64
Feb 14, 2018

All Blood Elves now only heal during the day

Arcane Vault - Changed some items

Resurrection - Number of Corpses Raised Decreased from 3 to 1 Mana cost - Increased from 100 to 125.
Healing Wave - Healed Decreased from 200 to 150
Gold Cost - Increased from 135 to 145

Arcane Strike
- Bonus damage decreased from 30 to 10
Mass Slow - No longer decreases the attack speed
Gold Cost - Increased from 155 to 165

- Phoenix Fire damage decreased from 15 to 5
Fire Trap - Damage decreased from 25 to 20
Gold Cost - Increased from 160 to 175
Food Cost - Increased from 3 to 4

Arcane Golem
Arcane Wave
- Damage decreased from 120 to 100

Sky Guardian
- Damage decreased from 150 to 100

Blood Knight
Holy Blessing
- Bonus damage decreased from 25% to 20%

Mass Slow -
Can decrease attack speed again and No longer a channel spell

Added Duststorm_LV so you have another map to play.:spell_breaker:

Fixed the Backpack upgrade
Fixed Trigger Camouflage
Fixed some file path
Now starts with 800 range and able to attack trees
Impaling Bolt
- Now increases attack range
Added Elven Sight - Which gives some Blood Elves the abilty to see invisible units
Phoenix - Decreased base damage from 25 to 12.
Last edited:
Level 4
May 26, 2020
If I recall correctly, Version 1.30 allowed maps to function on battle.net up to 128 MB in size.

Additionally, each map is individually 41mb - that 82mb is for two maps of the same size.
well, when i want to patch it gives me an error. something like "unable to connect to battle.net. you may be trying to connect to an invalid battle.net server. If you are using a modem, you may need to manually connect to the internet before connecting to battle.net.