Dune Reaper Firelord

Disclaimer: I know there is a wrap around the portrait doesn't match up to the base model. It's fine, the "armor" already hide that and comparing the 4 ropes in the model (despite the texture clearly shown 2), it's a minor issue but can be skipped. The icon will not include a mouth despite the portrait.

This is a firelord skin portrayed in western cowboy theme.
Although the title named: " Dune Reaper Firelord ", it is an earth element hero. It's also why the bottom flame have been exchanged for dust cloud with rock flying around.

Version 1.0Released
1.0a: Change shoulder spike to be darker, adjust texture compressed down to 92 due to firelord gigantic file size.
Version 1.1- Fixed the bracelet of firelord not properly attached.
- Firelord hands are now redish.
- Fixed lighting issue on his saddle armor.
- Adjust his leather pin away on the "hat".

Dune Reaper Firelord (Texture)

BTNDuneReaperFirelord (Icon)

Wow, I've finally had the time to get round to reviewing all your skins Shido, you've been busy: The Good: To start off I'll say that I think this is a really fun skin, it's got a lot of character and looks great with your distinctive cartoony style...
Approved! Thanks for providing an ingame screenshot.
Wow, I've finally had the time to get round to reviewing all your skins Shido, you've been busy:

The Good:
To start off I'll say that I think this is a really fun skin, it's got a lot of character and looks great with your distinctive cartoony style. The details on the clothing are exceptional and you've really nailed how to draw good fabric texture with all the shading, stresses and marks on the red sections of the clothing. The little ponchos on the lava spawn also look really good and you've definitely came a long way in terms of skill and ability especially in regards to your use of shading and shadows. The details like the badge and patch as well as the kind of egg-shell colouration of the skull make this a great skin to look at it; it just screams old-timey sheriff. Not to mention that it is radically different to the Firelord's appearance, so I should give kudos again to your ability to take Warcraft 3 textures and turn them into something completely new and different and fresh. Really well done!

Areas for Improvement:
If there's one bit I don't like it's the blue-ish undergarment bit which sits under the chest piece with his badge on it. It looks like you've either tried to give it a padded or kinda chainmail look and I just think it requires a bit more time on it; as it stands it looks like a base colour with a single darker colour on top to make ring shapes. The other only thing I can think to say is maybe his arms could use a bit more detailing? It's not important tbh and looks fine as is but if you ever went back to it you could maybe add a bit more to them just to make it look even more interesting.

A great texture, I love it. Its not one I think I'll ever use but this skin was perfect for showing off your art-style and talent. Its really great. The biggest issue is the blue part of the chest section but the rest is all really well-done. And you also get a free lava spawn texture with it too. Overall 4.75/5 which rounds up to 5. Well done Shido!