Dragon Whelps

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Saw and recolored BTNGreenDragonWhelp. I amcreditting this dude for doing most of the work Xetanth87.

BTNRedDragonWhelp2 (Icon)

BTNRedDragonWhelp (Icon)

BTNBlueDragonWhelp (Icon)

BTNBronzeDragonWhelp (Icon)

BTNBlack Dragon Whelp (Icon)

Recolors of original war3 icon, useful.
Great recolors, however I think the Bronze one is too yellow/green. Make it a bit more gold/orange. Also, you should name the black one "BTNBlackDragonWhelp", not "Dragon Whelps".

Edit: I wonder if you should credit me, since I upscaled them to their current resolution.
Last edited:
Level 27
Dec 3, 2018
Great recolors, however I think the Bronze one is too yellow/green. Make it a bit more gold/orange. Also, you should name the black one "BTNBlackDragonWhelp", not "Dragon Whelps".

Edit: I wonder if you should credit me, since I upscaled them to their current resolution.
The Photoshop recolorer doesn t make it yellower than this