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Draconian model, please. :D

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Gewd day, modellers. If this sounds demanding, please, stop me at my tracks.
Anyways, I am looking for a draconian model. For those of you that do not know what a draconian is, it's basically the dragonspawn you see in Warcraft 3.

I would use the dragonspawn model and simply remove the weapon, but the dragonspawn model looks nothing like a human OR a dragon IMO.

So, if you have the time and effort to help a person out, I would like a draconian model, male and/or female if possible for my map called "Draconians."

No screenshots given for fear of assholes ripping on my mapmaking and demoralize me.

Gewd luck, modellers!
Time to put my vision in a better perspective.





What your awesome modelling skills can do.

So, basically, the Onimusha with the Dragoon armor. :D
Thank you!
Level 4
Nov 24, 2007
lolz why not begin work on your map first cause models don't make a map its what you do with the triggers really :|
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
... so, how about using the models GF made... or actually SHOWING us the map. We modelers are more likely to make a model if you show us the progress on the map and give us a REALLY good reason to make it. (Example: If the map is a great idea and has huge chances of being a success, we modelers are more likely to make the request. But, if it's some smalltown map that may never see the light of day, the request is less (rarily) likely to be filled out. Just a hint there. :p)
... so, how about using the models GF made... or actually SHOWING us the map. We modelers are more likely to make a model if you show us the progress on the map and give us a REALLY good reason to make it. (Example: If the map is a great idea and has huge chances of being a success, we modelers are more likely to make the request. But, if it's some smalltown map that may never see the light of day, the request is less (rarily) likely to be filled out. Just a hint there. :p)

First of all, that has been answered.

Secondly, go to this forum that my buddy made for me and him: Drakonians
Shows my progress and mostly everything about the map I'm working on. I can't guarantee a success seeing how this is my first official map that I will work with all the way through. Happy modelling!
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