Alright so I have been practicing my vJass for the last half week or so and have been trying to make spells for practice, on of them required a dot that was a bit more versatile then using Unholy Frenzy.
So I decided to make a DoT system, I am pretty overwhelmingly happy at how well this went. My ego is a bit bigger then it should be atm (even though this isn't anything to special for most coders).
Alright so anyways here is the code:
The main function takes up to 8 arguments which are explained within the code.
All critiques and suggestions on ways of improvements are encouraged,
So I decided to make a DoT system, I am pretty overwhelmingly happy at how well this went. My ego is a bit bigger then it should be atm (even though this isn't anything to special for most coders).
Alright so anyways here is the code:
library EasyDot initializer Init
// EasyDot //
// By: Gost //
// A simple system allowing the user to apply a dot to a target with a single line //
// of code, or take one away. //
// //
// Requirements: JNGP (If you plan on editing or using this that is.) //
// course. //
// //
// The LowestInteral global is the minimum amount of time between two ticks of a //
// DoT possible. This can be lowered down however low you want but there really is //
// normaly no need for an interval below .05 //
// //
// To a DoT to a unit use this function //
// function CreateDot takes unit Caster, widget Target, real Dpi, real Interval, //
// real Dur, string SpecEfec, string AttachPoint, AttackType returns nothing //
// //
// Dpi is the damage per interval, interval is how long between each instance of //
// damage, and duration is how long the dot lasts //
// //
// Version: 1.0 //
// //
// //
private Dot array DOTS
private integer total = 0
private real LowestInterval = .05
struct Dot
widget Target
unit Caster
real Dpi
real Interval
real Dur
real CurrentWait = 0
string SpecEfec
string AttachPoint
attacktype AttackType
static timer Tim = null
static method Loop takes nothing returns nothing
local Dot dat
local integer i = 0
exitwhen i >= total
set dat = DOTS[i]
if GetWidgetLife(dat.Target) <= .405 or dat.Dur <= 0 then
if dat.Dpi < 0 then
call SetWidgetLife(dat.Target, GetWidgetLife(dat.Target) - dat.Dpi)
call UnitDamageTarget(dat.Caster, dat.Target, dat.Dpi, false, false, dat.AttackType, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, null)
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(dat.SpecEfec, dat.Target, dat.AttachPoint))
set dat.Target = null
set dat.Caster = null
set dat.Dpi = 0
set dat.Interval = 0
set dat.Dur = 0
set dat.CurrentWait = 0
set dat.SpecEfec = ""
set dat.AttachPoint = ""
set dat.AttackType = null
set total = total - 1
set DOTS[i] = DOTS[total]
set i = i - 1
if dat.CurrentWait >= dat.Interval then
if dat.Dpi < 0 then
call SetWidgetLife(dat.Target, GetWidgetLife(dat.Target) - dat.Dpi)
call UnitDamageTarget(dat.Caster, dat.Target, dat.Dpi, false, false, dat.AttackType, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, null)
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(dat.SpecEfec, dat.Target, dat.AttachPoint))
set dat.CurrentWait = 0
set dat.Dur = dat.Dur - LowestInterval
set dat.CurrentWait = dat.CurrentWait + LowestInterval
set dat.CurrentWait = dat.CurrentWait + LowestInterval
set dat.Dur = dat.Dur - LowestInterval
set i = i + 1
if total == 0 then
call PauseTimer(dat.Tim)
function CreateDot takes unit Caster, widget Target, real Dpi, real Interval, real Dur, string SpecEfec, string AttachPoint, attacktype AttackType returns nothing
local Dot dat
set dat = Dot.create()
set dat.Target = Target
set dat.Caster = Caster
set dat.Dpi = Dpi
set dat.Interval = Interval
set dat.Dur = Dur
set dat.SpecEfec = SpecEfec
set dat.AttachPoint = AttachPoint
set DOTS[total] = dat
if total == 0 then
call TimerStart(Dot.Tim, LowestInterval, true, function Dot.Loop)
set total = total + 1
function RemoveDot takes unit u returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local Dot dat
exitwhen i >= total
if DOTS[i].Target == u then
set dat = DOTS[i]
set total = total - 1
set DOTS[i] = DOTS[total]
call dat.destroy()
set i = i + 1
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
set Dot.Tim = CreateTimer()
All critiques and suggestions on ways of improvements are encouraged,
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