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Doom Ship!

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Level 3
Mar 19, 2007
Can someone make some sort of space warship, Not like those starwars kind that looks just like an airplane. Im using it for a Ion cannon in place of the Bahamut in Blargel's BAHAMUT ZERO spell. It would be a miracle if i found a space ship thats close enough to what im looking for.

Edit: A miracle has happened, Its from the EVE ships. (Sorry i couldnt resize.) Lol i only chose that one because it was the only one that actually made the most sense.
(I figure that this would take a few weeks...)
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Level 3
Mar 19, 2007
It looks like a rock and thats why i chose it i didnt want any retro star wars because space airplanes dont make sense if your making an ION CANNON. Satellites work (Just Barely, But not really.) but a warship is nice lol.
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
i think the standard sort of generic "star wars" type ships perform better in speed movement and hull design than floating rocks. besides the fact that if you look at a fleet you might think theyre a bunch of asteroids. But hey thats just my opinion.
Level 3
Mar 19, 2007
a fleet looking like a bunch of asteroids is good for camoflauge lol. (Besides warships are SUPPOSED to move slowly with all that weight.)

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

It's actually fairly easy, more so than units.

It's just boring.
Level 3
Mar 19, 2007
That prolly cuz its mostly just squares triangles. The only difference here is that i got this from EVE and this is gigantic.

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

That doesn't make it not-boring.
Level 3
Mar 19, 2007
Well i dont know where the crap a TIE something is from since i dont play games ALL day. but i can since its summer break now.
Level 3
Mar 19, 2007
Well i dont like starwars that much. I wonder if somone can at least make something resembling a space warship. Kind of like the Carriers in starcraft.
Level 3
Jun 7, 2007
The key in Starships is functianlity. However designers would try to make them look .... I unno ... but not a gianty rock. Think cars today, they're functional yet look nice. A starship also would be functional, but would look nice as to inspire morale in the troops or fear in the enemies. Some warships in sci-fi wouldn't ever be made, mostly ships that are very thin or spindly. Warships would be big and thick as to take many shots, shields or not.
Level 21
Mar 18, 2007
Rocks are OK for space... ships that look like rocks... no. There's a thing called camouflage, and then there's a thing call conspicuous. If someone sees a big asteroid with fire coming out the back from rockets and firing at them, I really doubt they're gonna just sit there saying "WTF?" And if that ship ever tried to make it through an atmosphere, the friction from its hull would tear it to pieces :p
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Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
yeah. i agree with SuPa. Why design this huge space asteroid hulk when a cloaking field is much easier and effective to use. *that is, if said universe has stealth generators*

Oh and then theres a thing called "speed" to factor. Sure, there is no air in space so aero-dynamics dont count but still, a small efficient ship will move faster than some giant space rock plumeting through space. Not to mention the only reason ships are made big is to house more weapons/fighter/firepower. This is true in modern day wars as well.

So lets have a modern day scenario. A group of frigates and destroyers are fighting in the sea. All of a sudden, one side pulls out this giant super huge battleship that takes ages to move and can be seen miles away. What happens ? the small ships go and zip past the juggernaut and the frigates and destroyers move well beyond the huge ships range and bombards the large ship. to make things worse, due to a larger elongated hull, should all ships focus fire on one location a breach could very well be made in its hull, causing the loss of even more sub-systems. While this huge ship could support many weapons, its simply to slow to properly use them. Within a few hours the large ship is sunk. Just look at the bismark, a large german dreadnaught in World War 2 to prove my point.
Level 3
Jun 7, 2007
yeah. i agree with SuPa. Why design this huge space asteroid hulk when a cloaking field is much easier and effective to use. *that is, if said universe has stealth generators*

Oh and then theres a thing called "speed" to factor. Sure, there is no air in space so aero-dynamics dont count but still, a small efficient ship will move faster than some giant space rock plumeting through space. Not to mention the only reason ships are made big is to house more weapons/fighter/firepower. This is true in modern day wars as well.

So lets have a modern day scenario. A group of frigates and destroyers are fighting in the sea. All of a sudden, one side pulls out this giant super huge battleship that takes ages to move and can be seen miles away. What happens ? the small ships go and zip past the juggernaut and the frigates and destroyers move well beyond the huge ships range and bombards the large ship. to make things worse, due to a larger elongated hull, should all ships focus fire on one location a breach could very well be made in its hull, causing the loss of even more sub-systems. While this huge ship could support many weapons, its simply to slow to properly use them. Within a few hours the large ship is sunk. Just look at the bismark, a large german dreadnaught in World War 2 to prove my point.

Actually that scenerio is flawed. The huge ships designers would have forseen it's lack of mobility, and would have either A: gave it Carrier capabilities B: Given it an array of weapons as to defend itself from all known enemies or C: have it move in large fleets as Aircraft Carriers do today. So realisticly (I know realism doesn't count for much when talking bout spaceships) a giant space rock would be an ideal weapon, it's big, it's thick, and it has it's own camoflauge. Now having that be your ONLY ship, then yes it would fail miserably, but as a ship in ones fleet it would be a very good weapon to have.
Level 3
Mar 19, 2007
How that my RPG is going from space-aged ehhh... demonworld to just nerdy over a gigantic ship i dont know.
Edit: By demonworld i mean that the "aliens" are already living there so i have every right to call some of them demons :p
Lets just say we built the rock-ship in space and it was never supposed to "land" on a planet.
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Level 3
Mar 19, 2007
Having this ship built on a planet is a bit on the impossible side considering its size and how much energy its going to need to launch, it would be built in space, Besides who cares what its for since alot of people might need it and we do need more ship models.... theres barely only 5-10
Edit: Yeah ive been off awhile, my internet provider has been making mistakes and the internet is a little messed
Level 3
Mar 19, 2007
it doesnt have to be a rock -.- just something that shoots a laser beam like the warpray.
besides they said space ships werent even that hard.
Level 3
Mar 19, 2007
well my computer got formatted... due to the stupid windows activation period and i couldnt bring anything with me so is anyone going to make this or not :/ been like 2 months
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