Originality: Dodge the arrows is yet another mini game thats, sorry to say, fails. The spells are quite simple and its sooooo boring. nothing is custom at all :9. Its fun for a really short while, but its fun factor decreases rapidly.
Balancing: Well theres so many arrows flying around, its hard to keep track. Really, the arrows come from all sides, so the logical thing to do would be to stick to the middle, thats what everyone fought for when I played.
Terrain: Terrain doesn't really matter that much in a Mini game, but it still deserves some attention. some tile variation, cinematic lighting\fire\ice, anything that would make it more appealing.
Lag: The game starts to lag after a while, this is caused by looking at the triggers, from memory leaks. Read Septimus's Tutorial, or print it and take it to your friend

Bugs: Well the statis trap takes sooo long to set up. its really hard for people to actually fall for it =\, also the sheep spells is very poorly done.
Initial Impression: Well when i 1st started i was impressed by...well nothing. The map needs alot more work. Use more custom material and improve the terrain a little bit. One thing thats cool is the sounds used. Tell your friend a gj on that one =D.
Originality: 5\30 (just like any other mini game)
Balancing: 6\30
Fun factor: 1\10 (gets boring really quick)
Terrain: 1\10 (lacking terrain, needs more work)
Lag: 2\10 (lags a few minutes ingame.)
Description 1\5 (no description in-game, also the description at THW lacks, make it more exciting)
Initial Impression: 1\5 (needs more polishing)
Final Rating: 17\100 [1/5] {Unacceptable}
Final Comment: As I say for all maps not worthy of Approval, it has great potential, just needs a little more work, and your in. If this is one of your first maps then well done. You'll be sure to improve.