Dodge the Arrows

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Original Description:
Dodge the Arrows
Objective: Survive for 3 minutes
Modes: -nocrazydude (-ncd), -abilitieson (-ao), -hardmode (-hm), -nohardmode (-nhm), -easymode (-em), -restart
Don't stand still, because it ruins the fun.
This map is my friend's first map. I thought it was a very fun mini-game. Now I am uploading it for you all to enjoy. My friend who made this doesn't play Warcraft much anymore, but if you all like this map I would be happy to try and improve anything that needs improving. You can also take the map and change it yourself, just give credit to my friend who made it. His name is in the Author section. (in Warcraft or the World Editor)

Basically, this map is a mini-game (really mini, the size is about 40kb) in which you dodge arrows. There are different modes and abilities, it is an enjoyable, quick game.

Oh and it isn't protected.


dodge, arrows

Dodge the Arrows (Map)

16:30, 6th May 2009 Rui: Always have your map's quality in consideration before you submit it.




16:30, 6th May 2009
Always have your map's quality in consideration before you submit it.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
1) Description - Description at here seems to be fine, but definitely NO inside the game. Please add a quest log that indicate the objective and what does the command stand for.
2) Terrain - Terrain got nothing to be discuss about considering this game genre. For such a genre, having a ugly terrain is a exceptional.
3) Scripting/Triggering - Coding was ineffective and full of memory leak. The game would probably lag after a minutes or 2 playing under a full house condition via LAN/Internet.
4) Replayability - Low to none, this map was way too simple and lack of proper polishing.

The sheep blasting casting time is too long, no countdown timer to indicate how long it last (Using floating text isn't professional and pretty bad, people might not notice it), 3 minutes for dodging the same thing is boring and dull (The best is 2 minutes), the damage is way too low to kill any unit and no AI for such a game degrade the quality as well.

1/5 (Unacceptable)
Level 2
Apr 26, 2009
Well, I might as well work on it, I have nothing else to do. Expect an update soon...maybe. Thanks for the review.

If I were part of the Mafia (which I may or may not be) I would now be displeased. If you find a Kodo head in your bed in the morning, don't be surprised. (I'm probably not so don't worry...much)
Level 14
Nov 2, 2008
OK ... heres my review

1) Description - Description at here seems to be fine, but definitely NO inside the game. Please add a quest log that indicate the objective and what does the command stand for.
2) Terrain - Terrain got nothing to be discuss about considering this game genre. For such a genre, having a ugly terrain is a exceptional.
3) Scripting/Triggering - Coding was ineffective and full of memory leak. The game would probably lag after a minutes or 2 playing under a full house condition via LAN/Internet.
4) Replayability - Low to none, this map was way too simple and lack of proper polishing.

The sheep blasting casting time is too long, no countdown timer to indicate how long it last (Using floating text isn't professional and pretty bad, people might not notice it), 3 minutes for dodging the same thing is boring and dull (The best is 2 minutes), the damage is way too low to kill any unit and no AI for such a game degrade the quality as well.

1/5 (Unacceptable)

Hehe just joking. here it is.

Originality: Dodge the arrows is yet another mini game thats, sorry to say, fails. The spells are quite simple and its sooooo boring. nothing is custom at all :9. Its fun for a really short while, but its fun factor decreases rapidly.

Balancing: Well theres so many arrows flying around, its hard to keep track. Really, the arrows come from all sides, so the logical thing to do would be to stick to the middle, thats what everyone fought for when I played.

Terrain: Terrain doesn't really matter that much in a Mini game, but it still deserves some attention. some tile variation, cinematic lighting\fire\ice, anything that would make it more appealing.

Lag: The game starts to lag after a while, this is caused by looking at the triggers, from memory leaks. Read Septimus's Tutorial, or print it and take it to your friend :D?

Bugs: Well the statis trap takes sooo long to set up. its really hard for people to actually fall for it =\, also the sheep spells is very poorly done.

Initial Impression: Well when i 1st started i was impressed by...well nothing. The map needs alot more work. Use more custom material and improve the terrain a little bit. One thing thats cool is the sounds used. Tell your friend a gj on that one =D.

Originality: 5\30 (just like any other mini game)
Balancing: 6\30
Fun factor: 1\10 (gets boring really quick)
Terrain: 1\10 (lacking terrain, needs more work)
Lag: 2\10 (lags a few minutes ingame.)
Description 1\5 (no description in-game, also the description at THW lacks, make it more exciting)
Initial Impression: 1\5 (needs more polishing)

Final Rating: 17\100 [1/5] {Unacceptable}

Final Comment: As I say for all maps not worthy of Approval, it has great potential, just needs a little more work, and your in. If this is one of your first maps then well done. You'll be sure to improve.

If you have any questions of the above or don't agree, please pm me.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
If I were part of the Mafia (which I may or may not be) I would now be displeased. If you find a Kodo head in your bed in the morning, don't be surprised. (I'm probably not so don't worry...much)

First of all, refrain yourself from posting such a message because it was childish and a sign of you not accepting critism.

At here, we exchange a rather strict critism of a resources. If a resources was indeed good, there is nothing negative to be talk about.

You are also showing a sign of this resources belong to you instead of your friend. If this resources is indeed belong to your friend, why are you the one who should be piss off by it?
Level 2
Apr 26, 2009
Thanks for the review. I was just about to upload an updated version with a quest description and one trigger cleaned up. I'm not very good at the triggering thing (probably why my RPG never got anywhere, or maybe that's from the laziness) so if anyone would like to do that for me it would be nice. Come to think of it, I will add some lightning or something to make it seem nicer. Yeah this is my friend's first map, I'm amazed it got comments. :) Thanks.

Also in regards to the sheep spell, I have no idea what you are talking about (I haven't played this map in a while) and I will tell my friend to look at it, or something like that.

Oh and as a final word: this map is amazingly fun, just like almost any other map, when played with your four close friends. Which is the way it was meant to be played, so I guess it does pretty well for something made completely for fun.


Jeez, take a joke alright? Everyone likes the Mafia. And even though it is my friend's map, he's my friend. Understand? Friends are people who you stick up for. Also, I accepted your criticism and made some changes already based upon it, I didn't just get angry, I did something.
Level 14
Nov 2, 2008
Well, I might as well work on it, I have nothing else to do. Expect an update soon...maybe. Thanks for the review.

If I were part of the Mafia (which I may or may not be) I would now be displeased. If you find a Kodo head in your bed in the morning, don't be surprised. (I'm probably not so don't worry...much)

I believe its a Horses head :alol:

Godfather ftw