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DoD2 - Hero Creation (Looking for helpful ideas)

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Level 12
Aug 3, 2005

The goal of this thread is to try and get as much feedback & suggestions I can on current Heros im developing.
Generally when designing a Hero I try to brainstorm/generate as many spell ideas as I can & then crunch them down, picking the best and most suited, placing them into a single Hero.
Please review the abilities + potential Heroes and feel free to give feedback, suggestions etc.


Background - (Needs a story)

Strategy - A cunning & deceitful Hero, generally relying on trickery & charm to overcome her foes, as opposed to standard brute force.



Curses target unit, causing it to take damage overtime, so long it remains nearby any organic units. Lasts upto 12 seconds or if target is alone.

Level 1 - 12 damage per second
Level 2 - 24 damage per second
Level 3 - 36 damage per second
Level 4 - 60 damage per second


Level 1 - 8 damage per second, + 2 damage per nearby unit
Level 2 - 12 damage per second, + 3 damage per nearby unit
Level 3 - 16 damage per second, + 4 damage per nearby unit
Level 4 - 24 damage per second, + 6 damage per nearby unit

Curses target unit, causing a portion of any damage it deals to backlash.

Level 1 - 10% damage returned to dealer
Level 2 - 20% damage returned to dealer
Level 3 - 30% damage returned to dealer
Level 4 - 50% damage returned to dealer


Throws target unit into a frenzy, increasing its attack speed but causing it to attack friendly units temporarily.

Level 1 - +20% attack speed, lasts 2 seconds
Level 2 - +30% attack speed, lasts 3 seconds
Level 3 - +40% attack speed, lasts 4 seconds
Level 4 - +60% attack speed, lasts 6 seconds


Curses target unit, causing all nearby units friend or foe to attack it temporarily.

Level 1 - 20 second cooldown, lasts 2 seconds
Level 2 - 18 second cooldown, lasts 3 seconds
Level 3 - 16 second cooldown, lasts 4 seconds
Level 4 - 12 second cooldown, lasts 6 seconds

(Could potentially be an ultimate instead.)

Sway of Illusion

Creates an illusion of target friendly or enemy unit. Lasts 25 seconds.

Level 1 - Illusions deal 20% damage & take 200% damage
Level 2 - Illusions deal 25% damage & take 190% damage
Level 3 - Illusions deal 30% damage & take 180% damage
Level 4 - Illusions deal 40% damage & take 160% damage

Magic Bolt

Launches a magic bolt towards target point. Upon collision with an enemy organic unit, deals damage and stuns equivalent to the distance travelled.

Level 1 - Deals 80 damage
Level 2 - Deals 160 damage
Level 3 - Deals 240 damage
Level 4 - Deals 400 damage

Ultimate - Beguile

Forces enemy units in an area to repetitively walk towards the Succubus for a timed duration.

Level 1 - Effects units in a 250 AoE, lasts 2.5 seconds
Level 2 - Effects units in a 300 AoE, lasts 3.0 seconds
Level 3 - Effects units in a 400 AoE, lasts 4.0 seconds

Ultimate - Permutation

Switches position with target unit.

Level 1 - Has a 800 range
Level 2 - Has a 1000 range
Level 3 - Has a 1200 range

Ultimate - Dominate

Channels your will onto target unit, taking full control of it. If target is a Hero all his items become undroppable, until the effect wears off.

Level 1 - Has a 600 range & lasts upto 4 seconds or if spell is interrupted
Level 2 - Has a 700 range & lasts upto 5 seconds or if spell is interrupted
Level 3 - Has a 900 range & lasts upto 7 seconds or if spell is interrupted


Potential Heroes



Isolate / Enrage / Sway of Illusion / Beguile

Focused more on eliminating a single target from far.

Isolate a target, followed up by casting enrage or sway of illusion onto nearby allies of target, causing the target to be consistently attacked and nearby units.
Lastly use Beguile to force units in an area to walk towards you, allowing you to setup kills.



Regret / Attract
(Regret would be an AoE spell, Attract an ultimate)

Stongly focused on making enemies kill themselves or each other.

Cast regret on a group of enemies followed by attract on a target unit. The target will be attacked from all sides, whilst the group will be damaging themselves


Again, feedback/suggestions would be awesome.
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Level 11
Aug 15, 2004
Isolate's damage seems excessive I mean over 12 seconds at lv 5 it will deal 600? o_O I'm not feeling any of the builds because of the hero, I remember you had it is as the night elf jailor or something, I really dont think it fits. Especially since it's such a hard hero to understand without having played him. I mean I think it should be more of an actual succumbus, because that gives a bit of a tip as to what spells you can expect. You think of a hero with that model to come in close range and have a few high damage, skill required nukes. Not a skill with considerable range that doesnt have a projectile ( I think?).
Level 8
Dec 29, 2006
i agree with Taur, the damage on Isolate does seem a tad excessive. Another thing i noticed was that Enrage (to me) doesnt fit with the hero, you said in the description that she doesnt rely on brute strength, but thats just my opinion. The rest sounds good though.
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Well Isolate is very easy to dispell, you just walk away from units. The problem ofcourse is ppl wont know what it does/what to do, unless the've played the Succubus.
I do think its a cool spell thou.

Yea Enrange does feel a little out of place, that why I felt maybe Attract would be a better variation.
Perhaps a cap on how many units in an lure thou, would help balance it.

Remember thou, only a few of the abilities will make it through, not all of these are going onto 1 Hero.
Level 11
Aug 15, 2004
Just seems much more of a ranged caster than a melee assasin type of hero.

And it is very simple I suppose, but it pretty much denies you any ability to come near her without getting killed... what about gangs and stuff.
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Ok I cleaned up the thread alot, now beginning to display potential Heroes from the pool of abilities.
Feel free to review them, see what you think, whether you would enjoy playing her.


Yes she's be pretty evil 1on1, but mainly with creeps inbetween for a shield.
She'd be fairly easy to gank/assaninate thou.
Level 3
Sep 19, 2007
Imo sway of illusion should be a buff, u cast on a unit and it creates an illusion next to that unit every say 5 seconds. Would combine very well with isolate and would fit the whole buff master theme.
Level 8
Dec 29, 2006
I gotta say, your pretty full of good ideas, your abilities seem really creative and would work well when put together in a single hero. One thing i noticed about isolate. It seems to me that, because of the name, it should be dispelled if the unit gets close to other units, so that it takes damage when its "isolated" i think it would fit the spell better that way. Just my opinion though.
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
thx for that. Yea I see your point, Isolate could work either way, it could also make a powerful ultimate/finisher your way.
Or it could simply work like Axe's - Battle Lust, where your generally forcing ppl to come back into combat, but would require a skillset to compliment it.

I'll continue to update it, gradually getting there.
If theres any ability suggestions out there, fire away!!
Level 11
Aug 15, 2004
Hm.. maybe do something for isolate where, if the target hero is nearby organic untis, it will take damage, if he is isolated, then the succumbus takes damage (less damage than the target would have taken). Regret I think is a good defensive spell for the succumbus especially since it affects spells as well. Beguile I dont really see the point besides runnign away and the succumbus seems to physically weak to do much good near a hero. Attract is a great skill, but magic bolt just seems way out there, doesnt go with anything.
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
kk thx, wasnt sure which section was best suited.


I thought of a potential other possiblity for Isolate:
- Buffs an allied or enemy unit. The buff periodically damages all nearby enemy units (not the target), equivalent to the amount of nearby units.
Would also be more user friendly I think, as it woudl be more obvious to get away from the target, than ure taking damage from a buff you but dont know why.

Would go well with Attract as an ultimate as well.
Could then make Regret into a chain spell, to add some variety.
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