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A total revamp of my hastily-thrown together Dire-troll skin, now with more love, details etc.

The Skin is designed to fit Cavman's Dire Troll Model, found here:

"Dire trolls are a small number of trolls that are strikingly larger and more heavily muscled than the rest of their brethren. There is no racial distinction between them and the rest of the troll race. A variety of reasons might be behind this unusual size and musculature. For example, dire trolls might have been altered alchemically or magically. They might also simply have been born larger than average (but it is not very probable)."
(Lore - see: http://www.wowwiki.com/Dire_troll)

This is not a draw/smudge over, for that you have my word, I took up the example kimberly gave me as a challenge to see how far my skills went and tried to make the skin the same way she did. As of such I maybe took it too far when it comes to signature details. Though I thank Kimberly for her dedication in showing me how to improve.

As stated in the moderator commentary, this was supposed to be moved to rejected until you resolved around the accusations you have against me, though this was only moved to the "get a fix". However I still decided to update this because I recon that one reason for you to accuse me is that you think I would be unable to produce a skin of this quality, and thereby state otherwise.

(Sorry for maybe taking this too far, but I haven't been this frustrated for maybe over a year).

Edit: Edited the Colour of his skin to match the usual headhunter, edited the tusks abit, edited the right arm to match the unwrap better, edited the kilt to a black leather one, edited the eyes. Added more highlights (Are they enough?).

Jungle, Dire, Troll, Island, Sunken, Ruins, Ruin, Gurubashi, Hakkar, Voodoo, Brute, Giant, Cavman, Zul'gurub

Diretroll.blp (Texture)

This isnt a copy, it is different. Back to pending. Please get rid of the white lines around the bracers. You can also take upon THE_END's previous statement on matching the hues of the other trolls, then again trolls hue's dont always have to match...




This isnt a copy, it is different. Back to pending.
Please get rid of the white lines around the bracers.
You can also take upon THE_END's previous statement on matching the hues of the other trolls, then again trolls hue's dont always have to match due to their linage. But I do suggest it but don't mind if you don't take upon it. I like how you have smoothened the face out.
*The lines around the bracers.
*Possibly get rid of the metal/brace/grey armour on his waist, it looks rather weird on the model and doesn't seem to match.
*Add more detail to the tusk, but that's optional.
*Maybe add abit more highlights since it still looks abit bland, adding highlights/gloss can make things popout more easily and look shiny. Id kinda expect some gloss due to his bulking muscles and sweat. Have a look and see what you think when you try.

Kim EDIT: Oh.. and make sure it has teamcolour, I also hope my edit was not drawn over or such in the process of this new version.

Kim EDIT 2: I have had a talk with another skin mod and he believes you have drawn over my skin, I am suspicious but not sure and would prefer evidence than opinion, and as such I do not have much evidence to give you a clear and true record. I will send this into rejected until updated until we have more words with the other mods and can come to a mutual agreement and conclusion. I am very sorry for the problems coming from this and hope you will be patient.

In the mean time, please try making alot more freehand additions of the skin so the freehand (if it was a draw/smudge over) can be truly qualified as your work if the previous case is true.

Kimberly-25/6/10:Sorry for the massive delay, finally had access to the dl which contained the proof (as it was down/not working at the time). I also would like to state it was not me who sent this back to rejected until fixed AFTER you updated that and am personally abit annoyed no proper notification from the person who did that wasnt stated here.
Since the skin has been updated, is of good enough quality to be approved and after all the drama and updates, I will approve it. I am sorry for the mess and delay and wish to apologize personally for the dilemma and hope this doesn't put you off on being a texturer. Thankyou.

As for people comparing this skin to the ice trolls, Jungle trolls can come in alot of different type of hues and shades, however in wc3, the ice troll is TEAL (tinted with green) and not BLUE and this skin is BLUE.

edit: fixed a typo in the moderation review. I meant "rejected" and not "pending" in reference to "pending until fixed"
Level 14
Nov 25, 2007
The skin is designed to fit Cavman's Dire Troll Model, as stated in the description, this in turn is based on the wildkin.

The face does not match for a good reason, it is a purple tatoo.

Maybe I'll change the tusks colour, by the looks of it, I am not entirely happy with them either.

And yes, the filesize is way too large, I'll try to reduce it right away.
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
Add komas ( , ) between the keywords. Fixed
And why the hell cant I get from which skin is this made?! Fixed
Color of face doesn't matches the body color. Explained
Change the color of tusks. They are out of skin color. Needs Fix
And the size is a bit heavy :X Fixed

All in one, i give you +rep
Useful. Gj.
Level 49
Jan 20, 2010
good job on this one. i am definately watching this improve since you uploaded it here. uhh, can you show us a pic of kim's work and your's? just to prove that youve definately improved.

just some minor changes on those circles on his belt and it will surely look good

oh, BTW can you make a dark troll version of this one?
Last edited by a moderator:
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
His skin is still too light-blue for a Jungle Troll. They're more dark-blue with light-blue. Light-blue trolls are Ice Trolls.


So you can compare. Also, as you can see, the muscles and shit, as Kimberly pointed out, are very shiny and glossy, kind of like you did with the face, only that this should be done with the rest of the body as well.

Damn, the wrap on this model is kind of awful. Cavman should have made him a bit "taller". As in make his chest go higher up. Atm it looks very squished.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Okay, it's totally AWESOME now, but, you still didn't get the correct skin color in my opinion. :p Just A LITTLE BIT more blue would make it look fine I think.

Also, trolls have two toes and yellow\white eyes, just fyi. :p

And, I must say, it's a HUGE improvement over the first version. Looks totally awesome now.

The metal bracers could be TC as well for more Teamcolor(has too few atm), and the alpha-channel shading on the TC bandages could be a bit better, but... Meh.