Different multiboard for each skill

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Level 4
Dec 5, 2011
As the thread says...is it possible for example:
hero used skill(A) -> show multiboard(A)
hero used skill(B)-> show multiboard (B)
hero used skill(C)-> show multiboard(C)
hero used skill(A) when multiboard(C) was up - > show multiboard(A) ...etc.

hmm my idea using GUI is like this:
map initializes
set skill (A,B,C) as variable (x,y,z)
create multiboard(A,B,C)
set multiboard(A,B,C) as (a,b,c)
hide multiboard(A,B,C)

a unit begins a cast
cast equal to skill(A)
hide last board that was created
show multiboard(A)

etc ...

i didnt tested yet but im almost sure that this is going to fail any idea to fix?
-does setting the multiboard as the map begins guarantee the data getting stored or do i have to set the multiboard a variable again before i cast another skill?
-what action with multiboards leaks?
Im a GUI user! (someone told me that this is impossible without jass is it true?)
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Level 17
Nov 13, 2006
i store every multiboard in array coz cant show same time 2 multiboard but can hide 1 and show another easily if it is setted in multiboard variable array.

i use 1 multiboard for stat and 1 for gear, and i also use ability for switch but main question is how many ability u want do and its a multiplayer map or single?
coz if single player then easier. u make a ability/multiboard variable array (example ability[x] and multiboard[x])

event is A unit Begins casting an ability
condition if ability[x] the casted ability
action hide all multiboard show [x]

(if u do all in gui then u need a for loop in action and in condition all variation, ability[1]...ability[x])

if u want make many multiboard coz u want many ability and for each player then a bit harder but not impossible in gui

u can create multiboard when time elapsed 1 sec and not at map init.
(i create to all player a multiboard for stat, 1 for gear, so it is 12x2 multiboard, multiboard[1]=player 1 etc)

its my multiboard switch trigger
  • Show stat board
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Show Gear
    • Actions
      • Set plNR = (Player number of (Triggering player))
      • Multiboard - Hide Multiboard2[plNR]
      • Multiboard - Show Multiboard[plNR]
  • Show gear board
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Show Stat
    • Actions
      • Set plNR = (Player number of (Triggering player))
      • Multiboard - Hide Multiboard[plNR]
      • Multiboard - Show Multiboard2[plNR]
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Level 4
Dec 5, 2011
hmm that is a good idea .. i got it now..
a question: do i need to have a different variable for each multiboard?if multiboard stores different information
Level 17
Nov 13, 2006
hmm that is a good idea .. i got it now..
a question: do i need to have a different variable for each multiboard?if multiboard stores different information

yes, but u can use array if u want ffor more player like multiboard_ability1[1-12],multiboard_ability2[1-12],multiboard_ability3[1-12] if u want for all 12 player but with for loop its easy because when u create the tables every player can get same value to tables and later when u update then u can update directly to triggering player like multiboard_ability1[player number of triggering player]
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