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Dialog box problem!!!!!

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Level 4
May 30, 2004
i have made a dialog box where the question is:
Are you gay?? :)D)
Then u can press yes and no.
it works fine but now i want to make it so when you
press no there will pop up a new dialog box that says:
Yes you are!!!
then u can press yes and no.
if u press no the same will happend.
if u press yes in the second there will apperes a
message: Player 2 has voted yes he is a gay. if it is
blue (all players have to see this see this).

hopes anyone can help!!!


Level 7
Mar 26, 2004
faster :D

first u have to creat two dialog button variable array (here called: yes and no) for each player and one dialog variable array (called gaytest)
if u create now a dialog button, use this trigger:

event - elapsed gime time = 1 sec.
condition - 
action - for each integer a from 1 to 12 do (multiple actions):
    create a dialog button for "gaytest" integer A labelled Yes
     variable - set "yes" integer A = last created dialog button
     create a dialog button for "gaytest" integer A labelled No
     variable - set "No" integer A = last created 
     change title of "gaytest" integer A to Gaytest
     show gaytest integer A for player integer A

this is the create dialog trigger.

now the "no" trigger:
event - dialog button is clicked for "gaytest"1
condition - 
action - if/then/else multiple actions:
        if condition - clicked dialog button = "yes" 1
        if then -  game: text message : show text message to all players "you text" for x sec.
        if/then/else multiple actions:
        if condition - clicked dialog button = "no" 1
        if then - clear dialog "gaytest" 1
        create a dialog button for "gaytest" 1 labelled Yes
          variable - set "yes" 1 = last created dialog button
          create a dialog button for "gaytest" 1 labelled No
          variable - set "No" 1 = last created 
          change title of "gaytest" 1 to Gaytest
          show gaytest 1 for player 1

copy this trigger to make it multiplayer compatible

i haven't tested this, but it should work :wink:

Edit: oops, a mistake: i forgot to add this function: clear dialog "gaytest" 1
Level 4
May 30, 2004
that would be great :D :D :D

could u make it multiplayer combatible too for Red, Blue, Teal, Purple, Yellow, Orange, Green and Pink

that would be really great :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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