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[JASS] Dialog and DialogButtons

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Level 2
Apr 8, 2009
Hey guys, I'm making a very simple system to increase a hero's attributes using stat points (you gain some per level up), anyway, I can get the main menu to fire and it loads up, however when I select a button the event doesn't even fire.

  • StatsMenu
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Custom script: call StatsMenu()
      • Game - Display to (All players) the text: StatsMenu()
  • StatsAdd
    • Events
      • Dialog - A dialog button is clicked for dialogStats
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Game - Display to (All players) for 30.00 seconds the text: You clicked somethi...
      • Custom script: call StatsAdd()
      • Game - Display to (All players) the text: StatsAdd was called!
In my JASS section I've got:

function StatsMenu takes nothing returns boolean
    local player p = GetTriggerPlayer()
    local unit u = udg_groupHeroes[GetPlayerId(p)]
    //Simple to check if the player actually owns a unit
    if u == null then
        return false
    //Create the Dialog
    set udg_dialogStats = DialogCreate()
    //Level %u |cffffff00%s|r
    call DialogSetMessage(udg_dialogStats,GetUnitName(u) + " - Level |cffff8000" + I2S(GetHeroLevel(u)) + "|r|nSkill Points: " + I2S(GetPlayerState(p, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_FOOD_USED)))

    set udg_dialogStatsStr = DialogAddButton(udg_dialogStats, "|cffff8080Power (" + I2S(GetHeroStr(u,false)) + ")|r", 49)
    set udg_dialogStatsAgi = DialogAddButton(udg_dialogStats, "|cff80ff00Dexterity (" + I2S(GetHeroAgi(u,false)) + ")|r", 50)
    set udg_dialogStatsInt = DialogAddButton(udg_dialogStats, "|cff80ffffEssence (" + I2S(GetHeroInt(u,false)) + ")|r", 51)
    set udg_dialogStatsCancel = DialogAddButton(udg_dialogStats, "Cancel", 27)
    call DialogDisplay(p, udg_dialogStats, true)
    return true

function StatsAdd takes nothing returns boolean
    local button b = GetClickedButton()
    local player p = GetTriggerPlayer()
    local unit u = udg_groupHeroes[GetPlayerId(p)]
    //Simple to check if the player actually owns a unit
    if u == null then
        return false
    //Gives the user a chance to leave the window without spending any points
    if b == udg_dialogStatsCancel then
        return false
    //Adds points to Strength
    if b == udg_dialogStatsStr then
        call AddHeroStr(u, 1)
    if b == udg_dialogStatsAgi then
        call AddHeroAgi(u, 1)
    if b == udg_dialogStatsInt then
        call AddHeroInt(u, 1)
    return true

I've got a udg_groupHeroes (unit, array) that stores the hero that each player can pick (which happens in another function) so that's where it gets all of that extra information. Even if the StatsAdd() function doesn't work, the Game - Display to ... function should still show something but I have no idea what's going on. AddHero<stat> is just another function I wrote to simplify adding stats. Any ideas why nothing is showing?
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
The events you write in GUI in the Events-block are created during initialization and if you use a variable there, not the variable itself is passed but the current value behind it.

You change the content of udg_dialogStats after the event has been created, the dialog the event is referring to is no longer the same the variable holds.

Dialog variables in GUI already get a functional dialog object as a preset value.
Level 2
Apr 8, 2009
The events you write in GUI in the Events-block are created during initialization and if you use a variable there, not the variable itself is passed but the current value behind it.

You change the content of udg_dialogStats after the event has been created, the dialog the event is referring to is no longer the same the variable holds.

Dialog variables in GUI already get a functional dialog object as a preset value.

So does this mean I can't use JASS to create a dialog and get button commands from it? Or do I have to use a command that can save a dialog between events?
Level 2
Apr 8, 2009
Either do not replace the dialog or create the event via jass afterwards.

Alright, took me a little while to understand what you had meant, but I understand perfectly now. I've got an even for map initilzation and another that's set to fire after 0.1s to create the event. Worked like a charm :) I ran the window twice and it ended up having 2x the buttons to click, but I just added in a DialogClear command in the 'when a dialog button was cleared' trigger in JASS to clear it so it's empty for the next time. Thanks for your help, I wouldn't have gotten it.
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