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Diablo series mash-up

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Level 4
Aug 30, 2010
well im currently working on a map which basically mixes up the 3 Diablo games. There is 4 heroes to pick from... Barbarian, Wizard, Monk and Witch Doctor. Atmo the map is 2P and will probably still be once finished, i would say im about 30% through making the map.

Players will start in what looks(hopefully) like cold plains/bloodmoor, then what looks like a garden for the major part of the map. Most of the map is based on the cloisters/catacombs.

the spells which the Heroes use are all Warcraft 3 spells at the moment unless at some point dueing the making of the map i get the hang of pasting/making custom spells:ogre_rage:

finally...:ogre_hurrhurr: 'some' of you may be pleased to know im including some of the better known boss', 'better known' meaning more irritating :wink: one clue to one boss.............. Corpsefire :D

thanks for reading

btw! im kinda new to this :vw_unimpressed: ... about beta tests, how do i release them? like a normal map and just name it with beta? or actually upload to here? anyways thanks again :D :ogre_hurrhurr:
Level 14
Jul 28, 2009
Hey dude, its not because i wanna attack you or anything,
but maybe you could make this thread look a little bit more serious.
And with serious i mean, cut out the smileys, maybe if you organized your
description of your map it would look more interresting, some screenshots would
defn be appreciated.

Afterall, nice description about your ideas of how you want your map too
kinda look-a-like. (Sounds like a good Idea)

Owh, and about the beta testing thing,
you should probably try too ask an mod,
show some WiP's (Work in Progress) of your map
and they will judge if your map is ready too
be released on the hives as an beta map.

- If you have any Questions,
i will gladly try too help you out :]
Level 7
Apr 12, 2009
btw! im kinda new to this ... about beta tests, how do i release them? like a normal map and just name it with beta? or actually upload to here? anyways thanks again :D :ogre_hurrhurr:

To upload a beta test map, definitely just attach it to your original post here. I don't think it a good idea to put something in the map section if it's not entirely playable as is.

Good luck mon,
Level 4
Aug 30, 2010
kk soz bout smileys :/ and with the screen shots, when ive done a little bit more i'll put some up. i have slightly changed my idea of this map, im thinking of making it a bit easier for myself to make it more of a 'diablo 2's revenge' map, as in the monsters u killed in nmber two have come back but stronger if that makes sence :/

and also thanks both of u about the uploading part.
Level 14
Jul 28, 2009
kk soz bout smileys :/ and with the screen shots, when ive done a little bit more i'll put some up. i have slightly changed my idea of this map, im thinking of making it a bit easier for myself to make it more of a 'diablo 2's revenge' map, as in the monsters u killed in nmber two have come back but stronger if that makes sence :/

and also thanks both of u about the uploading part.

No problem dude,
dont say sorry, it was just a suggestion :]
But its good that you wanna upload some screens.

~ Maybe you should make a new Thread instead of using this
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