20:38, 29th Oct 2009
ap0calypse: Rejected
Low quality.
ap0calypse: Rejected
Low quality.
(1 ratings)
I haven't played your map, but starting out, i see that you don't specify what the map is about, except ... killing. a very suiting theme for a WCIII map... But... no actual description makes it hard to want to download your map.
You should add your friend's name... if he don't want to, or he don't have a screen name or so, it's okay, but it's polite to show the world who we are going to thank, because he helped making the greatest map of all times. (don't know if it is, but i always start with my hopes up.)
I can see that you are 6 teams of 2 ... heroes, am i correct? the heroes, do they have custom spells? triggered? does everyone have the eat tree spell, which automatically kills a random unit on the map? it's a minigame, so you say. But, what is it that makes your map so good, that it beats the crap out of Uther Party? Or similar.
I'd like to get an answer to some of these, before i will start actually testing the map, and reviewing. Although i have exams, so it might take some time, before i can get started.
Review- Resumé:
Desert hunters is a 'mini-game' where you take control of a set hero, and walk around in a map, gathering items, and killing other players.
1/5 and i vote rejected because of the poor quality of the map.
+ points (bonus points total: [1.0]):
* I like that wood seemingly only spawn around trees, and gold around mines, a nice detail. [+ 0.1]
* Some variety in items. [+ 0.3]
* Funny AI names. [+ 0.1]
* A good use of custom doodads, i especially liked the dead thunder wyrm. [+ 0.5]
~ points (no points given):
* You tell that you are 13 years old. IT IS NOT NECESSARY! It discourages people from playing, since they go: "Oh, he's 13, and he even says that he's bad... let's leave" It's good to be honest, but it's okay to fool people, just a little Don't go for pity. Never.
* A cool looking '(player name) OWNED (player name)' system, although lacking proper spelling, and looks completely out of context wit the rest of the maps slow, deserty atmosphere.
* AI. good that there is one... but after the forest team had killed EVERY other hero than me... it just wasn't that cool... then they just stood still... and i took my 'healing car' (i'll get back to it.) stood next to it, and killed them. easy as pie. Even though they kinda damaged me a lot.
* I said that the doodads were good... they just get repetitive... having that tranquility model all around the map... looks bad.
* Terrain - boring... but it gets the job done, and i'm not one to talk that much about terrain, so i won't give nor take any points for it.
- points [- 1.7]:
* Items only did a couple of things: add 1 damage, add 2 damage, give lumber / gold Build 1 'base tower' build 1 'tower' builld one campfire... spear - 'throw for damage' ... I suggest adding more variety to the items already there, and add more types of items. [- 0.7], since so much depends on them.
* unimaginative abilities and xp- / abilities system. beam - blink, bonus damage, 'headshot' and release your extremely annoying camera from your hero, so you can blink anywhere. That's just annoying, all those abilities. And when you level up, you go 10-4 levels up... go for 1 level per kill, or + what your enemy is in level, and lower the requirements for abilities to suit this. My opinion is: don't let the players touch, what is seeming the 'game mechanics' it can create great inbalance among players, as it sometimes give great advantages. [- 0.5]
* When i started the map, my friend was GONE instantly, 2 secs later, everyone died, except those 2 forester girls. That's not good AI-ing. [- 0.3]
* The beam ability name contains a german word. Hive is only for full english maps. [- 0.2]
Stopped giving in-game points.
Map protection: None.
Taking a look at the triggers (points total: [- 1.0]:
* You made 12 hero dies triggers... make one, and then refer to the dying player as 'owner of dying unit' There's many of those... [- 0.5] The importance of efficiency in coding
* You seem to be using a timer, to let the players know when the game is over, but it's not working. Let me show you why:
What you should have done is this:
- Game Timer
- Events
- Time - Elapsed game time is 0.01 seconds
- Conditions
- Actions
- Countdown Timer - Create a timer window for (Last started timer) with title Game End:
- Countdown Timer - Start (Last started timer) as a One-shot timer that will expire in 1802.00 seconds
See? it's that simple. Why don't you then USE your timer for something instead of saying
- Game Timer
- Events
- Time - Elapsed game time is 0.01 seconds
- Conditions
- Actions
- Countdown Timer - Start (Last started timer) as a One-shot timer that will expire in 1802.00 seconds
- Countdown Timer - Create a timer window for (Last started timer) with title Game End:
look, another ineffective way of making it. [- 0.5] The importance of efficiency in coding
- Timed Game
- Events
- Time - Elapsed game time is 1803.00 seconds
- Conditions
- Actions
- Game - Defeat Player 1 (Red) with the message: Game Time has expir...
- Game - Defeat Player 2 (Blue) with the message: Game Time has expir...
- Game - Defeat Player 3 (Teal) with the message: Game Time has expir...
- Game - Defeat Player 4 (Purple) with the message: Game Time has expir...
- Game - Defeat Player 5 (Yellow) with the message: Game Time has expir...
- Game - Defeat Player 6 (Orange) with the message: Game Time has expir...
- Game - Defeat Player 7 (Green) with the message: Game Time has expir...
- Game - Defeat Player 8 (Pink) with the message: Game Time has expir...
- Game - Defeat Player 9 (Gray) with the message: Game Time has expir...
- Game - Defeat Player 10 (Light Blue) with the message: Game Time has expir...
- Game - Defeat Player 11 (Dark Green) with the message: Game Time has expir...
- Game - Defeat Player 12 (Brown) with the message: Game Time has expir...
* There's such a mess in your triggers, you can cut your current 104 / 102... aobuth there triggers down to .... 'round 30. The importance of efficiency in coding
The spelling, and general grammar: It's not perfect, and you use bad names, like 'flying stone that heals people' or something... [- 0.8]
Credits: There. this is a must. but you listed the maker AND which model it was, and so on, so i'll give it [+ 0.1]
Sensation while playing / gutfeeling: I liked the ground-idea in this map. Simply run around and kill. It's so basic, that most gamemakers forget it, when moving out of the basic stage. i liked the map, despite it's poor quality, and the constant wind. [+ 0.5]
Total points [- 1.9] resulting in: 1/5 (REJECTED)
Improve the points i've given you, and add more features, smoothen out your AI, and test it some more, the keywords if you want it improved: VARIATION, TESTING, CONFIDENCE.
Hope you can, and WILL use it! it might be one of your first maps, but use it to learn from!
~ The_Clam