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Desert Bunker

This is an bunker, made for the same environment as my Silo, desert.

my third model. :)

And, yet again, thanks to Pyramidhe@d!

Do not edit whitout permission, give credit if you use this in your map.

desert, bunker, warhunter, 565, moha.

Desert Bunker (Model)

13:47, 20th Apr 2009 Pyritie: It's a bit small but it could be useful as a doodad or something since there's no death or birth anims.




13:47, 20th Apr 2009
Pyritie: It's a bit small but it could be useful as a doodad or something since there's no death or birth anims.
Level 3
Apr 1, 2009
Warhunter, my swedish friend, that's a very nice model! It only supports my thoughts about a new desert war map.
Btw, here are some links that might be usefull:

Keep up the good work.

{edit} Also, an idea could be to place a machinegun which were controlled by a soldier, so that the bunker would have the ability to shoot.
Level 16
Jan 5, 2008
I just say thanks for your help. :)
I wouldn't have started if you didn't help me.

NIck010 said:
Also, an idea could be to place a machinegun which were controlled by a soldier, so that the bunker would have the ability to shoot.

I also thought about an soldier whit an machinegun. But I thought it would be better whitout, scince i'm not good at making soldiers and weapons yet. I may do another version whit an soldier later.
Level 16
Jan 5, 2008
Pyramidhe@d said:
yeah, just have it as a doodad, put a region and when enter region get bonus defence/evasion buff. i think you did that for your wh40k map. am i right? or did you do that with an invisible ward?

My wh40k map is in winter environment, so this won't fit, I am going to use it, I only need to change the texture first.
Do you know any good metal texture?
war3x.mpq - Textures\Shoulder_Plate_D2Arthas1.blp
pretty generic metal texture if you ask me. i used to use this texture a lot.

Edit: tried the texture. some parts look weird but some parts look snowy. try it yourself

Edit: Also try war3.mpq - Textures\AxeBladeBlueSteel.blp
another generic steel texture i used to use. i tried on your bunker but it looks too shiny. just keep it in mind for next time you want to make steel stuff
Level 3
Apr 1, 2009
You could also make the model with another skin. Maybe a gray one, as a standard german bunker under WWII. Or make it with a green and brown camuoflage, as the american militarys, or just like in a forest.
Level 3
Apr 1, 2009
Very nice. I have an idea to another model.
Could you create a corps of a destoryed tank? It doesn't need any birth or death animation, just so it could be used as a doodad. The tank could look like a M4 Sherman, or maybe a modern tank, like the Leopard. Or the old classic Panzer VI Tiger? Or Panzer IV.
It would be cool if you could make such a model.

I will of course give you credit for it.
Level 3
Apr 1, 2009
Sure thing. I'll just wait. An idea could also be to create some abandoned military structures. Like maybe an outpost, barracks, bunker (in that case), construction yards, platforms, towers and the list could continue. Just a thought that hit me.
Level 3
Apr 1, 2009
We share the same thoughts. Very nice.
But - there is one thing I'm thinking about. A tank trap. Or tank busters. Call 'em whatever you wan't.
I know Warcraft has some ingame models that looks like a modern day tank trap, but that just isn't it. Just take it as an idea to make a tank-trap like this:
Tank trap.

{edit} I've checked your bunker for snow environments. Nice made.
Last edited:
Level 3
Apr 1, 2009
Very, very nice! Because I really need it to a new map i'm about to start on. You will of course get credits in the map for your wonderfull models.