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Demon Hunter model/skin request

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Level 1
Dec 11, 2013
Hey, y'all!

First of all, thank you modelers/skinners/mappers for making WC3 such a long-lasting game. I've been using the resources here for the last couple years and have been very pleased with what the Hive's doing here. It's kinda cool that it's taken me two years to even need to make a request.

So here's the scoop. I'm working on a map revolving around an organization of Demon Hunters (the Dark Embrace?) and so I'm in need of Demon Hunter models/skins. So far, the only really good one I've found is a BE male (http://www.wc3c.net/showthread.php?t=90908). These will be hero units, but I'm not picky if they have glows or not. Metamorphosis animations are not an issue.

Specifically, something like these would be nice, though feel free to be creative:

This one can basically be the regular DH hero with white hair. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-IYX4yFSCx7c/TrQwbr3FzgI/AAAAAAAABP4/ZydBeA_MB-Q/s1600/WoWScrnShot_101511_070433.jpg

This one can be based off the blademaster http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a77/zypher2/DemonHunter-1.png


http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs44/i/2009/092/8/5/Miera_by_TsunamiXD.png Not the strange blade though, please.


If you have any questions or if I missed something, please let me know!

- Apcenturion
I'm not sure how WoW defines a Demon Hunter (Blizzard is surprisingly creative in screwing up the lore), but a quick trawl through the model database returned several hero models that would fit "lightly armored warrior using two weapons":
That's the ones that seemed of high quality, there are even more in the database. Not sure if that's what you need.

You could also check the RPG models for Demon Hunter animations and then attach a Warglaive model.
Level 1
Dec 11, 2013
Some of these are close, and thanks for taking the time to link them all, but they're missing a crucial element: they're not blind.

Wowwiki - "As part of the ceremony to become a demon hunter, the initiate burns out his or her eyes with a magic blade to entrap a demonic essence within their body. Most demon hunters then bind their mutilated eyes with strips of cloth."

So, what I'm looking for could be as simple as taking some of these skins and adding a blindfold or making the eyes look gouged out. Otherwise, it just looks like a rogue or fighter, which demon hunters are not.

Here's a longer description of demon hunter appearance:
Wowpedia - "Though equipment obviously varies from demon hunter to demon hunter, one universal element of the order seems to be the blindfold. Used to conceal the remains of the demon hunters' mutilated eye sockets, the demon hunter blindfold is usually some dark but mundane-looking fabric. Blindfolds are occasionally neglected, perhaps to make the demon hunter appear more frightening and intimidating. A second common occurrence among demon hunters is the tendency for the males among their numbers to be stripped to the waist, which is just one display of the demon hunters' emphasis on the importance of agility and general rejection of heavier armor. Those female demon hunters that have surfaced have been similarly garbed, wearing only the bare minimum of clothing on their upper bodies, sometimes even nothing at all. Demon hunters further tend to wear what appears to be cloth or leather, rarely (if ever) donning plate and mail, favouring greater speed and agility on the battlefield."

Level 1
Dec 11, 2013
Ooh, I'll definitely use that last one, and thanks for linking the site! Lot of neat models there. Still in need of NE demon hunters, though.
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