Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
-Minor vertex changes on the face (ears, eyebrows etc)
-Added eyes glow
-Reworked body proportions
-The skirt is now longer
-Rebuilded the weapon from scratch
-Now it has a front\rear skin
-Made a new portrait with particle emitters
-Increased the space reserved for the face's skin (providing better definition)
-General fixing on the uvwmap (should be easier to reskin now)
If you have some suggestion feel free to post here.
Good things:
•It has a nice skin.
•It has a nice model.
•It has a portrait.
•It supports teamcolor. Bad things:
•It has no "stand ready" animation which makes the attack animations look scary.
•It's eyes arn't that glowy really.
Award: 58%
Directors choice: NO
Own words about it: It's good you can DL this at long last. :roll:
The other models link was bugged on some kind of way.
But as nice as armel is he sent it to me by e-mail.
The model only needs a "Stand Ready" animation and it would be great. Though it's just based on the demon hunter model so is the skin very nice!
P.S: Where you got those trees from you can see in background?
i cant help but hate this as it looks very weak and girly for a demonhunter/nightelf warrior, might be the skin colour or it might be his entire apearance, i dont know. i havn't seen him on map as i dont have time to chek but from screenshot i think the skin is nice and its a model that i couldn't make my self but i think it could be better. no offence to anyone who took part in the making of this model.
:shock: :lol: nah i like my woman cute, not skinny but not fat. i might take a better look at this model and see what it is i dont like when i get the time then i will reply back.
Men, this model is awsome! I really really like WoW models. But 2 things, i don't really like the portrait for 100% and neither the head for 100% to becaus that's not WoW stile enough. So this is my conclusion:
The trees are available at the hubb
About the stand ready animation: this model use at least two different set of attack animations (demon hunter, watcher and probably warden also), that use different stances. So, adding a stand ready animation wouldn't really fix the problem...
The animations are great, the skin is great, the model is great, but the eyes suck! The beard isn't very -nice- as well, but that doesn't really bother me.
I'm sorry, but if there's something I can't stand in a portrait is orange glowing eyes. He's not demonic!
I'd give it a 5/5 if you change the eyes. For now, 4/5
Change the eyes and it's perfect (and worthy of a DC)
So I tried using this skin, though...literally nothing shows up on the map. Whenever I use the skin on a unit, the unit ends up being invisible. Any ideas as to what the problem may be?
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