Custom race creation

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Level 2
Aug 17, 2015
Hello ! Is there any way I can create a new race for a melee game in WE? I've read some things on the internet,to edit an existing race,but I wont do that because I want to play online,with my friends,not just with the computer.I want to actually have a brand-new race,like Humans,Orcs,Night Elfs,Undeads and Demons for an example. Is it possible?
I've tried this tutorial,but as the author said,it's playable mostly with computers,because in that tutorial,you're mostly editing an existing race.Google didn't help me either.
Yes, that's certainly possible, though it does require a certain amount of work. Playing vs human players is arguably easier since that means you won't have to create an AI, which is rather difficult (to make a good one at any rate).

You can see some examples of custom races on maps like Warhammer: Eternal Melee, Draenei race, Scarlet Crusaders and a rather famour map by the name of Power of Corruption where you can play as the Naga or demons.

Additionally, some have made actual mods out of custom race maps, like Heaven's Fall, which modifies Warcraft 3 TFT and replaces the existing 4 races with 7 races.
Level 2
Aug 17, 2015
Yes, that's certainly possible, though it does require a certain amount of work. Playing vs human players is arguably easier since that means you won't have to create an AI, which is rather difficult (to make a good one at any rate).

You can see some examples of custom races on maps like Warhammer: Eternal Melee, Draenei race, Scarlet Crusaders and a rather famour map by the name of Power of Corruption where you can play as the Naga or demons.

Yo! Thanks for your reply ! I don't mind if there is much work to do,the weather here sucks anyway so I got some free time :D . So,can you give me a tutorial? Or at least are these maps protected? I'd like to see how they placed the units in the Object Editor,and the Triggers that made these races playable.
Try opening them in the editor. I'm hoping at least one of them is unprotected.

I don't really have a tutorial handy, but what I can tell you to watch out for would be overlaps. If you want to completely redo the four races, then I guess it'll be fine. but if you intend to add new races, avoid having units that use the same abilties or are just different looking but have the same stats/abilities/etc. Try to have a mechanic that's unique to your custom race (for example, the Undead can summon/unsummon buildings and must always build on blight. The Night Elves will only regenerate at night. That kind of thing).

As far as units go, 12 should be a stable number to aim for if you want to remain in the wc3 mold. I suggest copy/pasting units from existing race and modifying their stats and abilities. The same deal goes for buildings, but depending of how many upgrades and stuff you'll have the number may vary (point in case: humans have more buildings that orcs because of all the towers they can make). Consider giving your farm-type building (something that gives food) a unique mechanic to make it more interesting. As an example, the Orc Burrow can be garrisonned to attack nearby enemies, the Moon Wells can heal, and the Ziggurat can be upgraded into towers.

If you want to follow the warcraft 3 style closely, you'll want at least 2 caster types in your army. Eg: Priest and Sorceress, Druid of the Claw/Talon, Banshee and Necromancer. The Orc are a bit special in that Frozen Throne added a third caster unit, so don't be afraid to experiment.

All that being said, don't be afraid to think outside the box! Maybe your race starts with maximum food and doesn't have to worry about supply, but everything they can build is expensive to balance them out. Or maybe all the units of that race is trained from one single structure, like the Zerg in Starcraft.

PS: turn off Brush List in your editor (Window > Brush List. Untick it). It'll remove the lag from creating and editing units in the data editor.

PS2: one thing you should keep in mind while editing - almost every unit has an ability of some description, or fulfills a certain role. The Footman can learn Defend, the Knight is a tanky bastard, the Headhunter can upgrade to Berserkers, who have Berserk. You're not required to give every unit an ability, but most should have at least one.
Level 2
Aug 17, 2015
Ok , I'll try that. One more question . When I'm copying the units,they will go to the Custom Units Folder.But that's not the problem. The problem is: What race should i give them? For example I copy a Footman change his apperance,stats,abilities,name ; but what race should I chose? I've tried to make it's race "Other" but it actually goes to a neutral passive , and I don't think I can work with that in Triggers. Should I let him as "Human" ?
Race doesn't really matter, but it does affect a few things like how your worker builds. If you worker's race is Undead, they will summon all buildings they build. If your worker's race is Night Elf, they will be consumed if the building they build is a Ancient.

Imo, other than how your race will build things, you shouldn't really worry about it. Use the races as a way to categorise your custom race. I myself tend to pick a race that most closely ressembles them in some way. For example, if I make a race of Ogres, I would make their race Orc. If I'm making a race of wild animals, i'd pick the Night Elves as their race because their UI is the most thematically relevant (nature and all that).
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