Game music is mostly only for sale.
Short versions are available at some sites but you would really like the real versions better.
However, most of the musics that are for sale are not that expensive and are definately worth for the hobby... WC3 in this case.
This website for example offers you game music for 5 euros each.
Ofcourse you can get free soundtracks as well but the results are less (ussually).
People who are proud on their stuff upload it for free. People who know that quality has a price, upload their stuff with a price... most of them have a reasonable one.
This website offers you free music... but I haven't found a nice one yet.
What you also could do is look at less known games and pick soundtracks from those.
Here are a few examples of very nice soundtracks in unknown games:
Unerasable Memory from Lost Magic
Dream Of The Shore Near Another World from Chrono Cross
One Planet At A Time from Supreme Commander
Honour Medley from Stronghold
You can convert those to mp3 easily with the official
Youtube to MP3 converter. Protected videos cannot be converted to that and you can protect your own videos... uploading a video with a track that is copyright protected and you upload it unprotected, the fault is on the uploader who wrongfully spreads the content over the web.
Not that you are interested in copyright or whatever but... yea you know.
For myself, I make my own music... and I know that it takes long to make it.