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Custom ability Spirit Link + Lightning Shield

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Level 4
Dec 1, 2008
Hi. I've been trying to make the spirit walker's ability "spirit link" to not only link the units but also apply the shaman's "lightning shield" ability. So i added to Stats - Buffs the "lightning shield target" and "lightning shield caster" things. However if spirit link is placed on top of the list only spirit link works. If lightning shield target is placed on top the animations - spirit link and lightning shield appear but only the lightning shield stays. The spirit link as a buff and animation that stays on the unit does not. And also the lightning shield does not cause damage even though the units have it as a buff.

How can I make so both spirit link and lightning shield are applied and spirit link's animation to work on the unit (the one that rotates around it) as wells as the buff itself. Also to make the lightning shield cause damage not only to stay as buff and animation. Thanks.
Level 9
Apr 19, 2011
Having the lightning shield buff means nothing. Having the lightning shield buff and being affected by the Lightning Shield ability are NOT the same thing.

I'm not sure, but you will probably have to trigger that spell.
You'll have to make the ability based on the Spirit Link, and when the ability is started by the spirit walker, trigger the effects of the Lightning Shield for the affected units. Just add the lightning shield buff to the affected units, and then every second pick the units around them and make the damage.
However, as you'll probably have more than one spirit walker, you'll have to use hashtables (at least, that what I usually use for this spells).

If you need more help, I can try to make a test map with the spell for you (I don't think it'll be too difficult). I'm still new making spells, but I think I can do this for you. :)

Level 4
Dec 1, 2008
Having the lightning shield buff means nothing. Having the lightning shield buff and being affected by the Lightning Shield ability are NOT the same thing.

I'm not sure, but you will probably have to trigger that spell.
You'll have to make the ability based on the Spirit Link, and when the ability is started by the spirit walker, trigger the effects of the Lightning Shield for the affected units. Just add the lightning shield buff to the affected units, and then every second pick the units around them and make the damage.
However, as you'll probably have more than one spirit walker, you'll have to use hashtables (at least, that what I usually use for this spells).

If you need more help, I can try to make a test map with the spell for you (I don't think it'll be too difficult). I'm still new making spells, but I think I can do this for you. :)


Well I am new to the World Editor and I do not know how to use hashtables at all. I do know how to use some triggers but not for spells. I tried messing around with the triggers but I couldn't find anything to do this what you said :huh:
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
no need to trigger it, when you cast Spirit link wait for 1 second for instance(wait is not that great tbh) and then create 1 dummy unit with modified lightning shield with 0.00 seconds cooldown and order the unit to lightning shield everyone with Spirit Link buff. Simple enough
Level 9
Apr 19, 2011
no need to trigger it, when you cast Spirit link wait for 1 second for instance(wait is not that great tbh) and then create 1 dummy unit with modified lightning shield with 0.00 seconds cooldown and order the unit to lightning shield everyone with Spirit Link buff. Simple enough

Really, I always go on the hard way...
Yeah, you're right. That should work fine, and it's much more easy.
Nah, I'm just still learning to use hashtables right now, and I try to use them for everything...

Domcho, the method edo494 says is far more simple than the one I told you. Use that. :)

Level 4
Dec 1, 2008
Really, I always go on the hard way...
Yeah, you're right. That should work fine, and it's much more easy.
Nah, I'm just still learning to use hashtables right now, and I try to use them for everything...

Domcho, the method edo494 says is far more simple than the one I told you. Use that. :)


Okay. Thanks to both of you guys I'm going to try that and will look at the hashtables tutorial
Level 4
Dec 1, 2008
no need to trigger it, when you cast Spirit link wait for 1 second for instance(wait is not that great tbh) and then create 1 dummy unit with modified lightning shield with 0.00 seconds cooldown and order the unit to lightning shield everyone with Spirit Link buff. Simple enough

Well I don't know how can I tell the dummy unit to:
1st cast a lightning shield on the spirit linked targets
2nd to cast 4 lightning shields at the same time on the spirit linked targets

I did for a trigger

  • Lightning
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Spirit Link
    • Actions
I don't know the rest - the actions that I have to use for the dummy to cast the shields at the same time :sad:
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