C'thala Strikes On "RedCrown Army"
Created by ReDCrowN
Map Info:
Play as the ReDCrowN Army and wipe out C'thala's Invasion.
-Hundreds of units to use
-Hundreds of Enemies
-Epic sized map
-Strategy based hack n slash
-Cool Secrets
-Special Units
Some else stuff about map:
Prototype: Excellent fast moving spell caster.
King Terenas: Extremely Powerful Hero.
King's Royal Guard: Powerful unit.
Ken the Summoner: Adept at summoning.
Strength On Every Strike!: Has a very slow attack but deals godly damage.
Arcante Transportation: Fast moving Transportation (unloads your units to travel faster)
Lieutenant: Strongest foot soldier with command aura.
Royal Units: More useful and powerful than the ordinary units.
Exorcist: Weak, but has the Possession ability.
Author's notes:
My very own First map here in THW!
Blindly, i created this map without any tutorials. I've created this map long ago. Then i found a tutorial here in THW how to make a Good map but.. im too lazy to read xD
So here.. sorry if it is Absolutely Lacks in improving.
I dont know how to use trigger editors,Ai editors, Campagin editor.. etc
I can only use Object editor and terrain editor xD
I posted this map just to get help on how to improve it or if you can teach me any simple/basic ways of creating a good map.
Anyway, Its not really sucks for me.. I put a lot of effort doing it.
Maximazing the total amount of units, doodads and destructibles in this Epic-sized map.
I placed SO MANY special Units scattered.
Please play and Enjoy
I would appreciate Any comment (bad or good) in this map
You wont get bored on this.. i think xD
Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description - Templates
Future Updates: Greatly Improves Terrain (Im working on it)
NOTE: description is not finished
Invasion,Hack n slash,Royal units,Medieval.War,Invasion,Orc,Fel Orc,Human,Footmen frenzy.