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CtF v1.13b

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
CtF, Demon, Outlands, Arena, Chaos, War, Flag, Challange

CtF v1.13b (Map)

Vengeancekael - Date: 2012/Apr/09 19:18:27 Reasons: Poor and lacking terrain: Terrain Tutorial Poor Gameplay, not a lot of originality or fun: General Mapping Tutorials Other: Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials Check out the Map...




Vengeancekael -
Date: 2012/Apr/09 19:18:27

Poor and lacking terrain: Terrain Tutorial
Poor Gameplay, not a lot of originality or fun: General Mapping Tutorials

Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials
Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section
Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object editor, overall WE issues): WE Help Zone

Comment: [Rejected]
Your map is sadly in a rejectable state.
The worst part of the map would be the lacking terrain, there are random cliffs/heights, a lot of open space, you need to fill up the environment a bit more with trees, fire and maybe some animated doodads. The map also isn't symmetric, which is kind of a downer and makes the map layout look weird.
Next, there are no real custom heroes with custom spells and to be quite honest, the blood mage (even though Kael is my favorite character and it's in my username) is one of the most boring heroes.
Please do try to add some neat custom spells, fitting to the class and fresh, but they don't have to be all flashy.
If you're not skilled enough in terraining, then ask someone to help you with it in the forums or check out some basic terraining tutorials. Although I must say you've picked one of the hardest tilesets in the game.
It's a neat idea, nothing too original, but it feels rather unfinished. :p
Admin Contact - Resource Moderation - Rules
Level 5
Feb 3, 2012
ill just rewrite everything with the best of my ability. the brackets show things i add or changed.

This is (a) simple CTF map with some unique heroes and (also) based on other games like Island Defense. (The) different style of each hero forces team work. There are 3 (basic) classes of heroes:

This class of heroes are specialized in sneaking and going (through) guards (undetected). (Thieves' skills are focused on confusing enemies and escaping). But beware! Wind walk is for (moving) (through) units, rather (than hiding).

Blade Master
Samuro was the best blade master (during) the (second) war. (No one) should think that Thrall will handle him close (didnt get this sentence??). After (the) admiral was (defeated), (Samuro started to look for new ways to improve his skills.)
Wind Walk/Critical Strike/Mirror Image/Bladestorm

Tygore is (an) icy servant of the Lich King, (that) gives him power of arctic glaciers. Grows stronger not only when is getting experience, but whenever (he lands a hit on an enemy). May reach more hit points than any (other) hero (in) later game. Can learn (lots) of diffrent skills, but some of them (requires some investment on resources)
Blizzard/Cold/Wind Walk/Avatar

Tauren Warrior
Striker is (a) (fanatical) tauren that hates all other races. Born in (an) orc camp(,) he was always (the) worst child. In (his) pain(,) he swore that he will never be (the) weakest. (Adept) in melee combat(,) Striker can go in rage at any moment, but can't (do so, if no totems are available to pray to his Gods.)
Tauren Smash/Howl of Terror/Combat Skills

This class of heroes are (specialised in all kinds of slow spells). (They are born not to let anyone pass through their guard). "You shall not pass!". Their skills are usualy frost based. What is your (strength) in their hands(,) is (their) weakness. Manabure, poison, frost, erthquake and even true sight - all to stop you where you are.

Tank Pilot
(He) is a master of black powder. With his tank(,) he can (easily) smash large groups of enemies as (well) as hunt stronger ones at deadly range. Those who (are) stupid (enough) to follow Kardel (ussually) (dies) at mines. Kardel(,) as a master of (engineers)(,) loves (machines). He (will always)l try to make his tank better and better.
Auto Cannon/Heavy Bullets/V3 Missile/Land Mines

After (losing) duel with Rexxar, Urg wanted to prove himself that he is still strong. When he heard about (an) outland (challenge)(,) he left his clan, and (went through the portal). Now he (only listens to pure voice of strength.)
Ogre Bash/Fart Cloud/Hste Aura/Rage

Bor is a warrior hero who (would never let his church fall). His fanatic ideas of (the) world allows him to fight (carelessly) and without feeling pain. Created by (the) mages of Dalaran(;) he is the most dangerous footman in the world, but when Dalaran was ruined by Archimonde there is (no one) that can control him.
Frost Cut/Spawn Footman/Command Aura/Purification

will write more later. hope this was helpful
Level 5
Feb 3, 2012
heres more.

This class is well (known) (in) Blizzards world. Their skill are (usually) easy to cast but shows their power only with other heroes. (Because) of that they are (the) main power of this game. Even (the) best thief couldn't reach (the point without good support).

Lucifer is (a) (powerful) summoner. His army of demons can make all (enemy) forces fall. (If) (well) played gets (extreme) damage at (the beginning). (Because) of their (intelligence)(,) (these) (mages) (are) born with more mana than other (heroes). Beware! If (not) played (well)(,) can (extremely) feed your opponents.
Demon Touch/Course/Domonic Resistance/Book of Summons

The (chosen) one of (the) gods. Mentor never liked war at all, but he joined (the) army to save his (people). When (Lordearon) (fell)(,) he escaped with some villager(s) to the (mountains). (When) he was sure that his friends (were)(,) safe he (went) (through) the portal and started (to find new ways to be powerful enough) to become (a) guard that will never step back.
Light Strike/Ensare/Briliance Aura/Hand of God

Before Nortrom (went) to his own war, he was (a) high officer of (the) blood elf squad. Specialized in anti-magic skills(,) (he) became most dangerous opponent of the Lich King. Most of (the) mages who (observed) him in battle says that each spell casted on the (battlefield) makes him stronger.
Feedback/Course of Silent/Spell Defense/Spell Steal

(The) (p)oint of (the) game is to get (the) enemy flag and bing it (back) to your base. There are (lots) of ways in (this) open world(,) so going (straight) ahead is not the best way. (Using backdoors), (flanking)(,) hidden spots, traps and so on(,) you are able to (get) into (the) enemy base without their (knowledge). (Using) -balance mode makes game (balancing) as time passes. Now you dont need to (be) afraid of feeders. (If someone gets feeded too much, he may not get any xp! Good luck and have (fun).

Balance mode changes rewards for killed heroes and experience that you are getting by players current stats. Example: If you (L:3 K:2 D:1) will kill enemy hero (L:2 K:0 D:1) you will get 7 * his L - (D - K) = 13 gold and (80 + 2 (your D - K))% experience. In this way player that will die 7 times or more per their level will give no gold to their killers, and also players who are getting all kills will get lesser experience to avoid dominate game by one player.

Super Creeps adds shamans to team forces as time passes by. Shamans are weak warriors but can cast bloodrage and chain lighting (that) improve other creeps(') power.

All Random makes players unable to pick heroes and gives them random heroes.

This is (an) experimental mode. Players that will kill unit/heroes which are important will get bonus experience for future kills.

ur grammar is not so bad, just a few flaws. now, to test ur map.

EDIT: alright ive tested ur map. theres no bugs in it, its bugless. the problem is, it needs more content. the gameplay is pretty much like dota, just that u have to capture the flag, not destroy a building.

1. add a fountain of health and mana? that would be great, u know.
2. maybe show each player where the opponent's flag is?
3. add more powers to each hero. some heroes lack some powers that do damage, and some do a lot of damage.
4. make three taverns, categorized into that three different classes u pointed out in the description. that way, ppl can find heroes they like more easily.
5. make the first team and second team units different? just copy and paste the unit data of the grunts and spear throwers and make their models and missiles different.
6. add more content into it. it looks like there is something missing about it. im not sure what it is, but it just feels like that. maybe its just the lack of content.
7. towers are too weak. make them so strong so it encourages players to actually go around them rather than confronting them.
8. make a super impossible impenetrable tower in the base of each player. this way, ppl cant just camp in enemy base and keep spawn killing
9. make items cheaper. 1000 gold is so expensive just to get 10 extra strength. thats what i reckon. its hard to get kills in this game so maybe lower the prices.
10. give gold to players who gives support to their teammates. for example, player 1 is low on hp, player 2 comes up to him and heals him. player 2 gets some gold for supporting player 1. this makes it easier to get gold, and makes expensive items, less expensive.
11. maybe u can make the item for building towers free, but only have 1 in stock and have to wait about 5 minutes before the stock is replenished. but, for whoever buys and places the tower, gets 50 gold for it. something like a gold booster and also helps the team.
12. make more flanking routes? add more lanes? there is still a lot of space u can use. use it, space is invaluable.

i think thats all. so far its bugless, its just that maybe u need more content in it.
Last edited:
Your map is sadly in a rejectable state.
The worst part of the map would be the lacking terrain, there are random cliffs/heights, a lot of open space, you need to fill up the environment a bit more with trees, fire and maybe some animated doodads. The map also isn't symmetric, which is kind of a downer and makes the map layout look weird.
Next, there are no real custom heroes with custom spells and to be quite honest, the blood mage (even though Kael is my favorite character and it's in my username) is one of the most boring heroes.
Please do try to add some neat custom spells, fitting to the class and fresh, but they don't have to be all flashy.
If you're not skilled enough in terraining, then ask someone to help you with it in the forums or check out some basic terraining tutorials. Although I must say you've picked one of the hardest tilesets in the game.
It's a neat idea, nothing too original, but it feels rather unfinished. :p