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Cross TD 1.0

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Cross TD

The creeps want to contaminate the light well! It's your and your partners challenge to stop them from doing this.

About the game:

This a "Team Maze TD". You have to fight against 30 waves of creeps with your partner (also playable alone) by building a maze.
It's most effective to build the maze arround the waypoint in the center of your area.
Your food limit is raised by 1 (2 if you play alone) every round, use this to build "boxes" to expand your maze.
Mazing is necessary, otherwise you will lose!

Towers types:

- High elf Peasant = melee tower,short range,effective against ground, 3 upgrades.
- Sea Turtle = splash tower, good range, effective against crowds, 3 upgrades.
- Archer = tower for single targets, good range, effective against air, 3 upgrades.
- Fire elemental = splash tower, good range, effective against crowds ( burns the ground dealing damage per second), 2 upgrades.
- Necromancer = cast tower ( hits 3 targets with a lightning), good range, effective against all creep types, 2 upgrades.
- Box = mazing tower, coasts only food, good to expand you maze, can be upgraded to any other tower.


- Easy: Creeps have 80% of their hit points.
- Normal: Creeps have full hit points.
- Hard: Creeps have 3 armor ( damage reduced by 15%)

Goal: Be the last surviving team and finish all 30 waves to win the game!




I am happy about feedback.

Greets Fun_gamer_007

TD,Team Maze TD,Maze TD,Tower Defense

Cross TD 1.0 (Map)

11:01, 25th Jun 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Rejected Comment
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
Review by Ironside

Positive features:

- Enough rounds
- Balanced

Negative features:

- I was able to block the movement so they couldn't reach the circle of power
- Lacks more towers
- It doesn't offer nothing more than other tower defence maps

Additional Information / Conclusion:

I am unable to see the reason for this map to be approved yet, it is a below average tower defence map. Please update it.

Rating: 1.5/5
Vote for:
