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Creep spawn system[GUI].

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Level 3
Aug 10, 2012
I'm noob in mapmaking. I want to see example of creep spawn system. For example, creep is zombie. Every second spawning 1 zombie, who go for straight line(facing 90 degrees) to my base. For 1 level spawning 10 zombies, for 2 level 15, for 3 level 20 and etc. For 1 level zombie has 100 hp, 10 attack, 0 armor, for 2 level zombie has 110 hp, 11 attack, 0.5 armor, for 3 level zombie has 120 hp, 12 attack, 1 armor and etc.
I need it on gui, if you will show example for 2-3 levels I will continue it for million levels. Just help.
Level 3
Aug 10, 2012
No, in 10/20/30/40/50 and etc waves will be bosses with hero models. It I can do myself. Big thanks, if you will help me.
Here are the triggers:

  • Lv1 Spawn:
  • Events:
    • Time - Elapsed game time is 30.00 seconds
  • Conditions:
  • Actions:
    • Unit - Create 10 Zombie(lv1) for Player 7(Green) at (Center of Zombie Spawn) facing 90.00 degrees
  • Attack Order:
  • Events:
    • Unit - A unit enters Zombie Spawn
  • Conditions:
    • (Entering Unit)Equal to (Random unit from(Units owned by Player 7(Green)))
  • Actions:
    • Unit - Order (Entering Unit) to attack Your Base
  • Wave 2 enable:
  • Events:
    • Time - Elapsed game time is in 120 seconds
  • Conditions:
  • Actions:
    • Trigger - Turn off Lv1 Spawn
Do this for all waves\levels. Ofc u can set the time, units, players, etc as u want. If something don't works let me know! ;)
Level 3
Aug 10, 2012
Time - Elapsed game time is in 120 seconds
It means elapsed game time of all game or from wave 1?
Level 4
Nov 28, 2007
From the moment the trigger is turned on I think. :)

EDIT:For the last trigger Sin'dorei300 gave you, after turn off Trigger you should turn on the next wave trigger and the elapsed time will start ticking.

EDIT2: Ummm you can always just make a variable which increases every level by 15? Add that varriable to the HP of the newly created unit for every unit that is created and do that with Damage, armor and what ever else is needed. I can help you with that, but I need your map to do it on and I can hand it to you back.
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Level 3
Aug 10, 2012
Xris, take it. I did 1st level by example of this guy.
Edit: Chanching of variables was in my ideas, and i want to do it, but i know how to change hp, but don't know how to change armor, attack.
Edit2: I made hp and spawncount variables. Others make yourself, please.


  • fdg.w3x
    57.9 KB · Views: 39
Level 4
Nov 28, 2007
Ok then.

I will only do 15 levels... And I dont promiss anything spectacular.
Level 4
Nov 28, 2007
Give this to nedio95

Well I tried, but spawning them one by one created problems for me so here I added some zombies.... Edited them made all the triggers, if you hand it to nedio95 he will be able to do w.e you want with it. I am limited to my knowledge. :vw_death:

Sorry I couldn't be of further assistance.


  • fdg(hris EDITED).w3x
    65.8 KB · Views: 41
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Level 12
Mar 24, 2011
Hris... this leaks locations A LOT And why so much triggers ?? You couldv made it with only 1... and a few variables :
Edit// You forgot the evry 10 lvl is a boss...

Edit2//Ready. Have fun. Made it up to lvl 100. Btw forgot ot delete hris's variables but youll do it yourself :)


  • fdg + CreepSpawn.w3x
    62.1 KB · Views: 29
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Level 3
Aug 10, 2012
Yes, I want it, and those triggers don't work, have u tested the map? Help me, if you can, nedio95.
When I'm waiting 1 minute for creeps, they don't go, and I think cause events in triggers aren't right.
Level 3
Aug 10, 2012
Oh, i found way how I can do it myself. I just must know, what type of variable need to make unit attack? Real? How to edit damage of unit in triggers?
Level 12
Mar 24, 2011
While I tested I might have removed some waiting like the first 60 seconds... or the first 9 levels... My trigger uses upgrade with 100 levels Each level has +2 atack +1 defence(apply defence bonus) + 5% atack speed and + 20% hp

I just must know, what type of variable need to make unit attack? Real?[\QUOTE]
Eh... I just order the unit to Atack-Move To the center of your hero spawn region Its jjust in front of the castle so I thought of not making another one. Evry level spawns +2 zombies and evry 10 lvl spawn a boss + zombies.

Now wil test again :) And will fix evrything I have changed.

Edit// Oh yea that with the bosses looked... RLY WHRONG Sory simple mistake >> fixed now, Added some documentation in the triggers better read it.
Edit2// About your initialization trigger... it uses 0.01 wait... minimum wait time is something like 0.2 or 0.27
Why dont you use Game time elapsed 0.1 as event ?


  • fdg + CreepSpawn2.w3x
    62.8 KB · Views: 34
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