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Creep Respawn (GUI) - Difficulty: 3/10
This tutorial explains how to make units owned by a certain player to respawn at their original position after a given amount of time.
The Tutorial
There are a few things you'll need to set up. Let's begin with the variables.
- Open your Trigger Editor and press CTRL+B to open the variable manager.
- While there press CTRL+N to create a new variable.
- Set "Variable Type" to Integer and set "Variable Name" to Temp_Integer. Then press OK.
- Press CTRL+N again to create another variable. Set this one's variable type to Point and name it Creep_Point. In this one, you'll also check the [ ] Array field for the variable. Then press OK.
- One last time, press CTRL+N to create a new variable. Set it's type to Real and name it Respawn_Time. Then press OK.
By now, you should have these 3 variables:
The Map
Now, to respawn units you'll need some units. So go ahead and place some units on your map. Set these unit's owner to Neutral Hostile.
We'll start off with the Map Initialization trigger, which are the triggers that are run when the map has finished loading.
Note: The amount you set for Respawn_Time is how long the next trigger will wait before respawning the unit.
The Respawn
Adding a creep to Respawn
To add creeps, that are spawned during the game's progress, to the "Respawn" trigger you'll have to make this trigger:
In conclusion: This will make a unit owned by Neutral Hostile that dies respawn at it's original position after a set amount of time.
This system has only been tested in a small scale and I am totally unaware of leaks, so if anyone could point them out it would be appreciated.
Please comment and criticize the content and be picky about grammar and spelling errors, i don't want it to be faulty.
Hope it was useful! And hope it hasn't been done before! Over and out. ~SkriK
This tutorial explains how to make units owned by a certain player to respawn at their original position after a given amount of time.
The Tutorial
There are a few things you'll need to set up. Let's begin with the variables.
- Open your Trigger Editor and press CTRL+B to open the variable manager.
- While there press CTRL+N to create a new variable.
- Set "Variable Type" to Integer and set "Variable Name" to Temp_Integer. Then press OK.
- Press CTRL+N again to create another variable. Set this one's variable type to Point and name it Creep_Point. In this one, you'll also check the [ ] Array field for the variable. Then press OK.
- One last time, press CTRL+N to create a new variable. Set it's type to Real and name it Respawn_Time. Then press OK.
By now, you should have these 3 variables:
The Map
Now, to respawn units you'll need some units. So go ahead and place some units on your map. Set these unit's owner to Neutral Hostile.
We'll start off with the Map Initialization trigger, which are the triggers that are run when the map has finished loading.
Map Initialization
Map initialization
Set Respawn_Time = 5.00
Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Playable map area) owned by Neutral Hostile) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set Temp_Integer = (Temp_Integer + 1)
Unit - Set the custom value of (Picked unit) to Temp_Integer
Set Creep_Point[Temp_Integer] = (Position of (Picked unit))
Note: The amount you set for Respawn_Time is how long the next trigger will wait before respawning the unit.
The Respawn
Unit - A unit Dies
(Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Neutral Hostile
(Custom Value of (Triggering unit)) Greater than 0
Custom script: local integer i = GetUnitTypeId(GetTriggerUnit())
Custom script: local integer ii = GetUnitUserData(GetTriggerUnit())
Wait Respawn_Time game-time seconds
Custom script: call SetUnitUserData(CreateUnit(Player(12),i,GetLocationX(udg_Creep_Point[ii]),GetLocationY(udg_Creep_Point[ii]),270),ii)
Unit - A unit Dies
(Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Neutral Hostile
(Custom Value of (Triggering unit)) Greater than 0
Wait Respawn_Time game-time seconds
Unit - Create 1 (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) for Neutral Hostile at Creep_Point[(Custom value of (Triggering unit))] facing Default building facing (270.0) degrees
Unit - Set the custom value of (Last created unit) to (Custom value of (Triggering unit))
To add creeps, that are spawned during the game's progress, to the "Respawn" trigger you'll have to make this trigger:
Add Creep to Respawn
Unit - A unit enters (Playable map area)
(Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Neutral Hostile
Set Temp_Integer = (Temp_Integer + 1)
Unit - Set the custom value of (Triggering unit) to Temp_Integer
Set Creep_Point[Temp_Integer] = (Position of (Triggering unit))
In conclusion: This will make a unit owned by Neutral Hostile that dies respawn at it's original position after a set amount of time.
This system has only been tested in a small scale and I am totally unaware of leaks, so if anyone could point them out it would be appreciated.
Please comment and criticize the content and be picky about grammar and spelling errors, i don't want it to be faulty.
Hope it was useful! And hope it hasn't been done before! Over and out. ~SkriK
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