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Creating a custom ability - spell description formulas

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Level 5
Aug 23, 2008

I created some custom abilities, but now I saw that the description of them in the game is wrong. E.g a ability damages a unit for 50 HP (thats okay) but the description says that the damage is 75 point. I recognize that the problem is a small text:

E.g. "The ability causes <AHtb,DataA1> Damage" ( <???>

What is the right text for my ability and where can I found it?


I'm not totally sure how to use raw codes... why don't you write it manually? Like if you set the damage to 50, than write in text 50 damage(not the raw code, clear the raw code and write "50 damage")
And also if you will start to make triggered spells, you will have to write tooltips manually.

Edit: to see what is raw data press ctrl+d.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Those are the ability rawcodes.
Let's go to a spell, Shadow Strike for example. In the upper table, click View and tick Display Values As Raw Data.
Here is the ability's description:
Hurls a poisoned dagger at a target enemy unit, dealing <AEsh,DataE1> initial damage (...)
First comes the ability name. If you look at Shadow Strike you'll realize that there's an 'AEsh' standing before it. This is the ability's raw code.
Now go to View, and tick off Display Values As Raw Data. Find "Data - Initial Damage" (still in the Shadow Strike spell). Left-click it once. Hold Ctrl and press D (this is a shortcut for the "Display Values As Raw Data" field), and you'll notice that it displays as DataE1 now.
So we have it figured out:
<AEsh,DataE1> returns the real number on field DataE1 from the ability 'AEsh', which is the Initial Damage on Level 1 of the Shadow Strike ability.
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