// GUI-Friendly Damage Detection -- v1.2.1 -- by Weep
// http:// [url]www.thehelper.net/forums/showthread.php?t=137957[/url]
// Requires: only this trigger and its variables.
// -- What? --
// This snippet provides a leak-free, GUI-friendly implementation of an "any unit takes
// damage" event. It requires no JASS knowledge to use.
// It uses the Game - Value Of Real Variable event as its method of activating other
// triggers, and passes the event responses through a few globals.
// -- Why? --
// The traditional GUI method of setting up a trigger than runs when any unit is damaged
// leaks trigger events. This snippet is easy to implement and removes the need to do
// you own GUI damage detection setup.
// -- How To Implement --
// 0. Before you copy triggers that use GDD into a new map, you need to copy over GDD
// with its GDD Variable Creator trigger, or there will be a problem: the variables
// won't be automatically created correctly.
// 1. Be sure "Automatically create unknown variables while pasting trigger data" is
// enabled in the World Editor general preferences.
// 2. Copy this trigger category ("GDD") and paste it into your map.
// (Alternately: create the variables listed in the globals block below, create a
// trigger named "GUI Friendly Damage Detection", and paste in this entire text.)
// 3. Create your damage triggers using Game - Value Of Real Variable as the event,
// select GDD_Event as the variable, and leave the rest of the settings to the default
// "becomes Equal to 0.00".
// The event responses are the following variables:
// GDD_Damage is the amount of damage, replacing Event Response - Damage Taken.
// GDD_DamagedUnit is the damaged unit, replacing Event Response - Triggering Unit.
// Triggering Unit can still be used, if you need to use waits.
// Read the -- Notes -- section below for more info.
// GDD_DamageSource is the damaging unit, replacing Event Response - Damage Source.
// -- Notes --
// GDD's event response variables are not wait-safe; you can't use them after a wait in
// a trigger. If you need to use waits, Triggering Unit (a.k.a. GetTriggerUnit()) can
// be used in place of GDD_DamageSource. There is no usable wait-safe equivalent to
// Event Damage or Damage Source; you'll need to save the values yourself.
// Don't write any values to the variables used as the event responses, or it will mess
// up any other triggers using this snippet for their triggering. Only use their values.
// This uses arrays, so can detect damage for a maximum of 8190 units at a time, and
// cleans up data at a rate of 33.33 per second, by default. This should be enough for
// most maps, but if you want to change the rate, change the value returned in the
// GDD_RecycleRate function at the top of the code, below.
// By default, GDD will not register units that have Locust at the moment of their
// entering the game, and will not recognize when they take damage (which can only
// happen if the Locust ability is later removed from the unit.) To allow a unit to have
// Locust yet still cause GDD damage events if Locust is removed, you can either design
// the unit to not have Locust by default and add it via triggers after creation, or
// edit the GDD_Filter function at the top of the code, below.
// -- Credits --
// Captain Griffin on wc3c.net for the research and concept of GroupRefresh.
// Credit in your map not needed, but please include this README.
// -- Version History --
// 1.2.1: Minor code cleaning. Added configuration functions. Updated documentation.
// 1.2.0: Made this snippet work properly with recursive damage.
// 1.1.1: Added a check in order to not index units with the Locust ability (dummy units).
// If you wish to check for damage taken by a unit that is unselectable, do not
// give the unit-type Locust in the object editor; instead, add the Locust ability
// 'Aloc' via a trigger after its creation, then remove it.
// 1.1.0: Added a check in case a unit gets moved out of the map and back.
// 1.0.0: First release.
// Configurables.
function GDD_RecycleRate takes nothing returns real //The rate at which the system checks units to see if they've been removed from the game
return 0.03
function GDD_Filter takes unit u returns boolean //The condition a unit has to pass to have it registered for damage detection
return GetUnitAbilityLevel(u, 'Aloc') == 0 //By default, the system ignores Locust units, because they normally can't take damage anyway
// This is just for reference.
// If you use JassHelper, you could uncomment this section instead of creating the variables in the trigger editor.
// globals
// real udg_GDD_Event = 0.
// real udg_GDD_Damage = 0.
// unit udg_GDD_DamagedUnit
// unit udg_GDD_DamageSource
// trigger array udg_GDD__TriggerArray
// integer array udg_GDD__Integers
// unit array udg_GDD__UnitArray
// group udg_GDD__LeftMapGroup = CreateGroup()
// endglobals
// System code follows. Don't touch!
function GDD_Event takes nothing returns boolean
local unit damagedcache = udg_GDD_DamagedUnit
local unit damagingcache = udg_GDD_DamageSource
local real damagecache = udg_GDD_Damage
set udg_GDD_DamagedUnit = GetTriggerUnit()
set udg_GDD_DamageSource = GetEventDamageSource()
set udg_GDD_Damage = GetEventDamage()
set udg_GDD_Event = 1.
set udg_GDD_Event = 0.
set udg_GDD_DamagedUnit = damagedcache
set udg_GDD_DamageSource = damagingcache
set udg_GDD_Damage = damagecache
set damagedcache = null
set damagingcache = null
return false
function GDD_AddDetection takes nothing returns boolean
// if(udg_GDD__Integers[0] > 8190) then
// call BJDebugMsg("GDD: Too many damage events! Decrease number of units present in the map or increase recycle rate.")
// ***Recycle rate is specified in the GDD_RecycleRate function at the top of the code. Smaller is faster.***
// return
// endif
if(IsUnitInGroup(GetFilterUnit(), udg_GDD__LeftMapGroup)) then
call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_GDD__LeftMapGroup, GetFilterUnit())
elseif(GDD_Filter(GetFilterUnit())) then
set udg_GDD__Integers[0] = udg_GDD__Integers[0]+1
set udg_GDD__UnitArray[udg_GDD__Integers[0]] = GetFilterUnit()
set udg_GDD__TriggerArray[udg_GDD__Integers[0]] = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(udg_GDD__TriggerArray[udg_GDD__Integers[0]], udg_GDD__UnitArray[udg_GDD__Integers[0]], EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED)
call TriggerAddCondition(udg_GDD__TriggerArray[udg_GDD__Integers[0]], Condition(function GDD_Event))
return false
function GDD_PreplacedDetection takes nothing returns nothing
local group g = CreateGroup()
local integer i = 0
call GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(g, Player(i), Condition(function GDD_AddDetection))
set i = i+1
exitwhen i == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
call DestroyGroup(g)
set g = null
function GDD_GroupRefresh takes nothing returns nothing
// Based on GroupRefresh by Captain Griffen on wc3c.net
if (bj_slotControlUsed[5063] == true) then
call GroupClear(udg_GDD__LeftMapGroup)
set bj_slotControlUsed[5063] = false
call GroupAddUnit(udg_GDD__LeftMapGroup, GetEnumUnit())
function GDD_Recycle takes nothing returns nothing
if(udg_GDD__Integers[0] <= 0) then
elseif(udg_GDD__Integers[1] <= 0) then
set udg_GDD__Integers[1] = udg_GDD__Integers[0]
if(GetUnitTypeId(udg_GDD__UnitArray[udg_GDD__Integers[1]]) == 0) then
call DestroyTrigger(udg_GDD__TriggerArray[udg_GDD__Integers[1]])
set udg_GDD__TriggerArray[udg_GDD__Integers[1]] = null
set udg_GDD__TriggerArray[udg_GDD__Integers[1]] = udg_GDD__TriggerArray[udg_GDD__Integers[0]]
set udg_GDD__UnitArray[udg_GDD__Integers[1]] = udg_GDD__UnitArray[udg_GDD__Integers[0]]
set udg_GDD__UnitArray[udg_GDD__Integers[0]] = null
set udg_GDD__Integers[0] = udg_GDD__Integers[0]-1
set udg_GDD__Integers[1] = udg_GDD__Integers[1]-1
function GDD_LeaveMap takes nothing returns boolean
local boolean cached = bj_slotControlUsed[5063]
if(udg_GDD__Integers[2] < 64) then
set udg_GDD__Integers[2] = udg_GDD__Integers[2]+1
set bj_slotControlUsed[5063] = true
call ForGroup(udg_GDD__LeftMapGroup, function GDD_GroupRefresh)
set udg_GDD__Integers[2] = 0
call GroupAddUnit(udg_GDD__LeftMapGroup, GetFilterUnit())
set bj_slotControlUsed[5063] = cached
return false
// ===========================================================================
function InitTrig_GUI_Friendly_Damage_Detection takes nothing returns nothing
local region r = CreateRegion()
call RegionAddRect(r, GetWorldBounds())
call TriggerRegisterEnterRegion(CreateTrigger(), r, Condition(function GDD_AddDetection))
call TriggerRegisterLeaveRegion(CreateTrigger(), r, Condition(function GDD_LeaveMap))
call GDD_PreplacedDetection()
call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), GDD_RecycleRate(), true, function GDD_Recycle)
set r = null