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function CreateRegionAtHouse takes unit House returns region
local location TempPoint = GetUnitLoc(House)
local location TempPointX = Location((GetLocationX(TempPoint)-185),(GetLocationY(TempPoint)-185))
local location TempPointY = Location((GetLocationX(TempPoint)+185),(GetLocationY(TempPoint)+185))
local rect TempRect = RectFromLoc( TempPointX, TempPointY)
local region TempRegion = CreateRegion()
set TempRegion = RegionAddRect(TempRegion, TempRect)
return TempRegion
So I want to create a 370*370 Region at the House
My problem is: set TempRegion=RegionAddRect(TempRegion, TempRect)
Error: Cannot convert nothing to region
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